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General and Minority Stress in an LGB Population in Flanders  / Nele Cox ... [et al.].

Journal of LGBT Health Research, 4 (2008) 4, p. 181-194
bron: Journal of LGBT Health Research jaargang: 4 (2008) 4 , p. 181-194
samenvatting: This article concentrates on the influence of determinants of mental health on a lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population in Flanders. Our sample is drawn from the Zzzip survey, and contains 2,280 LGBs, of whom 1,565 are men and 715 are women. The traditional social stress model outlines the influence of general stressors on stress (Pearlin, 1989). Meyer (1995) has expanded Pearlin's model to include the concept of minority stress. This study focuses on aspects of personal characteristics and social structural arrangements. Our study confirms the importance of age and education as relevant determinants for mental health. Additionally, although most research establishes sex differences in depression, this study does not find significant differences in depression between men and women. In women, sexual identity is a significant determinant of depressive score, but we do not find the same in men. Finally, both general and minority stressors, especially the internal stressors, are found to have an important effect on depressive outcomes. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

General and Minority Stress in an LGB Population in Flanders
Nele Cox ... [et al.].
Journal of LGBT Health Research

Hoe de moderne homoseksueel ontstond : Van sodomiet tot holebi  / Alexis Dewaele.

Eos Magazine (2009) 5 (mei), p. 28-32
bron: Eos Magazine (2009) 5 (mei), p. 28-32
samenvatting: Homoseksualiteit als identiteit is nog niet zo oud. De eerste holebi-gemeenschappen ontstonden pas op het einde van de 17de eeuw. Toenemend wetenschappelijk inzicht in homoseksualiteit in de eeuwen daarna nam geleidelijk de vijandigheid en de vooroordelen weg.

signatuur: knipsel (datum)

dgb artikelen (dewae/hoe)

Hoe de moderne homoseksueel ontstond : Van sodomiet tot holebi
knipsel (datum) dgb artikelen (dewae/hoe)
Alexis Dewaele.
Eos Magazine

Suicide, Mental Health, and Youth Development  / Guest editor: Mickey Eliason.

Journal of Homosexuality, 58 (2011) 1 (jan), p. 1-147
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 58 (2011) 1 (jan), p. 1-147
samenvatting: Contents: - Introduction to Special Issue on Suicide, Mental Health, and Youth Development / Mickey Eliason. - p. 4-9. - Suicide and Suicide Risk in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations: Review and Recommendations / Ann P. Haas; Mickey Eliason; Vickie M. Mays; Robin M. Mathy; Susan D. Cochran; Anthony R. D'Augelli; Morton M. Silverman; Prudence W. Fisher; Tonda Hughes; Margaret Rosario; Stephen T. Russell; Effie Malley; Jerry Reed; David A. Litts; Ellen Haller; Randall L. Sell; Gary Remafedi; Judith Bradford; Annette L. Beautrais; Gregory K. Brown; Gary M. Diamond; Mark S. Friedman; Robert Garofalo; Mason S. Turner; Amber Hollibaugh; Paula J. Clayton. - p. 10-51. - Sexual Attraction Status and Adolescent Suicide Proneness: The Roles of Hopelessness, Depression, and Social Support / Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling; Dorian A. Lamis; Patrick S. Malone. - p. 52-82. - Sense of Belonging and Depressive Symptoms Among GLB Adolescents / Claire McCallum; Suzanne McLaren. - p. 83-96. - Mental Health Among Israeli Homosexual Adolescents and Young Adults / Geva Shenkman; Dov Shmotkin. - p. 97-116. - Stress-Related Growth, Coming Out, and Internalized Homonegativity in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth. An Examination of Stress-Related Growth Within the Minority Stress Model / Nele Cox; Alexis Dewaele; Mieke van Houtte; John Vincke. - p. 117-137. - Mental Health Resources for LGBT Collegians: A Content Analysis of College Counseling Center Web Sites / Paul J. Wright; Christopher J. McKinley. p. 138-147. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Suicide, Mental Health, and Youth Development
Guest editor: Mickey Eliason.
Journal of Homosexuality

Schoolloopbanen van holebi's onderzocht : Hebben homonegatieve houdingen invloed op hun schoolprestaties?  / Saskia Aerts, Mieke Van Houtte en Alexis Dewaele.

Zizo, 20 (2013) 124 (okt/nov/dec), p. 30-31
bron: Zizo jaargang: 20 (2013) 124 (okt/nov/dec), p. 30-31
samenvatting: Heteronormativiteit zit hardnekkig ingebakken in de samenleving en uit zich ook op school. Hoewel de acceptatie van holebi's in Vlaanderen ver gevorderd is, krijgen holebi's nog regelmatig negatieve uitlatingen over homoseksualiteit. Heeft dat een invloed op hun schoolprestaties? Saskia Aerts deed haar doctoraatsonderzoek aan de Universiteit Gent over het onderwerp onder het promotorschap van prof. dr. Mieke Van Houtte en dr. Alexis Dewaele. De resultaten zijn zowel geruststellend als verontrustend.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Schoolloopbanen van holebi's onderzocht : Hebben homonegatieve houdingen invloed op hun schoolprestaties?
ts. dgb periodieken
Saskia Aerts, Mieke Van Houtte en Alexis Dewaele.

Sense of Belonging in Secondary Schools: A Survey of LGB and Heterosexual Students in Flanders  / Saskia Aerts ... [et al.].

Journal of Homosexuality, 59 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 90-113
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 59 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 90-113
samenvatting: This study focuses on differences in sense of belonging between lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) and heterosexual students. Data from 1,745 secondary school students were collected with an online survey. Step-wise multiple regression analyses was used to investigate the relationship between sexual orientation and sense of school belonging. The results show that sexual orientation has an impact on sense of belonging for girls, but not for boys. Perceived discrimination and LGB friendliness of the school appeared to be important indicators of sense of belonging for all the respondents, irrespective of their sexual orientation. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2012.638548#.VNNK0KLYjrw ]

signatuur: ts.

Sense of Belonging in Secondary Schools: A Survey of LGB and Heterosexual Students in Flanders
Saskia Aerts ... [et al.].
Journal of Homosexuality

From Coming Out to Visibility Management : A New Perspective on Coping With Minority Stressors in LGB Youth in Flanders  / Alexis Dewaele ... [et al.].

Journal of Homosexuality, 60 (2013) 5 (may), p. 685-710
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 60 (2013) 5 (may), p. 685-710
samenvatting: This article develops a model that describes relations among environmental characteristics, discrimination and visibility management, and the experience of minority stressors by lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth. The article elaborates on how visibility management (i.e., regulating the exposure of one's sexual orientation) of LGB youth can function as a coping strategy and is, therefore, closely tied to the experience of minority stressors. Qualitative support is found for the theoretical model in conducting 24 in-depth interviews with LGB youth. The analysis also shows that LGB youth use specific mannerisms, gender-nonconformist behaviors, and other indirect cues to make themselves visible or invisible as LGBs. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2013.773818#abstract ]

signatuur: ts.

From Coming Out to Visibility Management : A New Perspective on Coping With Minority Stressors in LGB Youth in Flanders
Alexis Dewaele ... [et al.].
Journal of Homosexuality

Homophobic Violence, Coping Styles, Visibility Management, and Mental Health : A Survey of Flemish Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals  / Lies D'Haese, Alexis DeWaele and Mieke van Houtte.

Journal of Homosexuality, 63 (2016) 9 (sep), p. 1211-1235
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 63 (2016) 9 (sep), p. 1211-1235
samenvatting: The understanding of how lesbians, gays, and bisexuals cope with homophobic violence is limited. Therefore, on the one hand, this study focuses on avoidance, problem-oriented, and emotion-oriented coping as general coping styles. On the other hand, special attention is paid to visibility management as a coping strategy that can be applied in a heteronormative context. Moreover, the moderating role of general coping styles and visibility management in the relationship between homophobic violence and negative mental health outcomes is studied. Data were collected from 1,402 Flemish lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Stepwise regression analyses shows that coping styles and visibility management have a direct effect on mental health; however, no evidence for a moderating effect is found. Additionally, visibility management and emotion-oriented coping are found to exert a combined effect on mental health. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2016.1150057)

signatuur: ts.

Homophobic Violence, Coping Styles, Visibility Management, and Mental Health : A Survey of Flemish Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals
Lies D'Haese, Alexis DeWaele and Mieke van Houtte.
Journal of Homosexuality

Homonegativity in the Technical and Vocational Track : A Survey of Secondary School Students in Flanders  / Saskia Aerts ... [et al.].

Journal of LGBT Youth, 11 (2014) 4 [oct-dec], p. 364-387
bron: Journal of LGBT Youth jaargang: 11 (2014) 4 [oct-dec], p. 364-387
samenvatting: Students from the technical and vocational track in Flanders have more homonegative attitudes than other students. We investigate what explains this track difference and if the homonegativity is reflected in more bullying experiences by lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students in these tracks. The results show that sex-role ideology and religion are related to homonegative attitudes, but they do not explain the greater homonegativity of technical and vocational track students. The study also confirms that LGB students experience significantly more bullying than heterosexual students, but the experience of bullying does not differ significantly between tracks. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19361653.2014.910485 ]

signatuur: ts.

Homonegativity in the Technical and Vocational Track : A Survey of Secondary School Students in Flanders
Saskia Aerts ... [et al.].
Journal of LGBT Youth

Geen roos zonder doornen : Oudere holebi's, hun sociale omgeving en specifieke behoeften, een verkennend onderzoek naar de visie van oudere holebi's in Vlaanderen  / Jozefien Godemont, Alexis Dewaele.

Antwerpen: Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid - consortium UA en LUC, 2004 - 212 p.
uitgave: Antwerpen : Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid - consortium UA en LUC, 2004 - 212 p.
  1. ouderen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Doelstelling van dit onderzoek is om de sociale omgeving en specifieke behoeften van oudere holebi's in Vlaanderen in kaart te brengen. Daarnaast vindt een afstemming plaats met uitkomsten van vergelijkbaar Nederlands onderzoek.

signatuur: cat. (godem/dew) g

dgb grijs

Geen roos zonder doornen : Oudere holebi's, hun sociale omgeving en specifieke behoeften, een verkennend onderzoek naar de visie van oudere holebi's in Vlaanderen
cat. (godem/dew) gdgb grijs

De rol van welbevinden bij de impact van seksuele identificatie op falen in het secundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen  / Saskia Aerts ... [et al].

Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 38 (2014) 2, p. 68-76
bron: Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie jaargang: 38 (2014) 2 , p. 68-76
samenvatting: Internationaal onderzoek heeft herhaaldelijk aangetoond dat holebi-jongeren op school slechter presteren dan heteroseksuele jongeren. Tegelijk is ook aangetoond dat holebi-jongeren vaker een lager welbevinden hebben. Hoewel we weten uit onderwijsonderzoek dat welbevinden een belangrijke impact heeft op schools presteren, is slechts in beperkte mate onderzocht of het lagere welbevinden van holebi-jongeren hun zwakkere schoolprestaties kan verklaren. Deze studie heeft daarom als centrale hypothese dat holebi´s vaker falen op school omdat zij een lager welbevinden ervaren. De analyses zijn gebaseerd op data van Zzzip@Youth, verzameld in de herfst van 2007 door middel van een online survey bij 1745 leerlingen uit het secundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen. Voor deze studie wordt gebruik gemaakt van stapsgewijze logistische regressieanalyse, waarbij wordt nagegaan wat de kans is op falen. De resultaten laten zien dat seksuele identificatie op zich niet gerelateerd is aan schools falen, maar de introductie van een interactie van seksuele identificatie met gender laat zien dat lesbische meisjes een grotere kans hebben te falen dan heteroseksuele meisjes en homoseksuele jongens. In tegenstelling tot de verwachting, kan deze grotere faalkans niet verklaard worden door het lagere welbevinden van deze meisjes. Mogelijke alternatieve verklaringen, waarbij gender en genderidentiteit centraal staan, worden besproken.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (aerts/rol)

De rol van welbevinden bij de impact van seksuele identificatie op falen in het secundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen
dgb artikelen (aerts/rol)
Saskia Aerts ... [et al].
Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie


( dewaele )

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