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Aantal resultaten: 14( DE:"lesbianisme" )


Mañana hablarán de nosotros: Antología del cuento cubano  / 

(recop) Michel García Cruz; Prólogo Norge Esponsa.Madrid: Editorial Dos Bigotes, 2015 - 280 p.
uitgave: Madrid: Editorial Dos Bigotes, 2015 - 280 p.
samenvatting: De verhalen die in Mañana zijn verzameld, zullen vertellen dat we de grenzen bewonen van dat gebied van verlangens en tegenstrijdigheden dat Cuba vandaag is. De vele gezichten van het eiland vormen het decor dat door een grote groep schrijvers wordt gebruikt om negentien verhalen te ontwikkelen die worden beheerst door de onbestuurbare wetten van liefde en verlangen. Met een uitbundig proza dat een voorliefde voor overdaad en zorg voor kleine details combineert, drukken de auteurs de vastberaden wil uit om de 'geheime manoeuvres' achter zich te laten en ondubbelzinnig te kijken naar de verschillende uitingen die seksualiteit - en sensualiteit - in zijn land aantreft. De fascinerende mix van culturen, rassen en ideologieën ondersteunt een provocerende en non-conformistische kijk op de LHBT-realiteit die dit boek tot een literair evenement maakt in het panorama van hedendaagse Latijns-Amerikaanse brieven. "Mannen en vrouwen die aan Cuba denken vanuit een seksualiteit die het niet eens is met castratiecodes, van het eiland of daarbuiten, zijn de hoofdrolspelers van dit boek (...) Het zijn auteurs die het niet langer eens hoeven te zijn met de schermutselingen van geheimhouding, waarbij ze de manier waarop tot niet zo lang geleden de lezer moest worden verleid om te begrijpen waarover werd gesproken, buiten beschouwing laten. Zelfvertrouwen, transparantie, bekentenis zijn nu de essentiële sleutels" (Norge Espinosa) Google vertaling.

signatuur: cat. (garci/man) fb


Mañana hablarán de nosotros: Antología del cuento cubano
cat. (garci/man) fb ODE3 BLOEMLEZINGEN
(recop) Michel García Cruz; Prólogo Norge Esponsa.

Gay's the word in Moscow  / 

editor: Ursula Owen ; [contributors:] Zufar Gareev, Ryurik Ivnev, Yevgeny Kharitonov, Yaroslav Mogutin, Alexander Shatalov with Alberto Manguel, Paul Bailey, Lionel Blue, Emma Donoghue, Edmund White, Elizabeth Wilson.
samenvatting: "One of the least reported liberations that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of Communism has been the repeal of anti-homosexual legislation. INDEX exposes the grim aspect of gay life under Communism, and publishes the first English translations of long suppressed and the most recent gay literature from Russia and eastern Europe. Plus a brand new listing of gay legislation worldwide, and Making Waves, a report on radio in Africa."

signatuur: cat. (gays/wor) b

Gay's the word in Moscow
cat. (gays/wor) b
editor: Ursula Owen ; [contributors:] Zufar Gareev, Ryurik Ivnev, Yevgeny Kharitonov, Yaroslav Mogutin, Alexander Shatalov with Alberto Manguel, Paul Bailey, Lionel Blue, Emma Donoghue, Edmund White, Elizabeth Wilson.

Odd Women? : Spinsters, Lesbians and Widows in British Women's Fiction, 1850s 1930s  / 

Emma Liggins.Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2014 - viii, 275 p.
uitgave: Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2014 - viii, 275 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 260-271.
samenvatting: This genealogy of the 'odd woman' compares representations of spinsters, lesbians and widows in British women's fiction and auto/biography from the 1850s to the 1930s. Women outside heterosexual marriage in this period were seen as abnormal, superfluous, incomplete and threatening, yet were also hailed as 'women of the future'. Before 1850 odd women were marginalised, minor characters in British women's fiction, yet by the 1930s spinsters, lesbians and widows had become heroines. This book examines how women writers, including Charlotte Brontë, Elisabeth Gaskell, Ella Hepworth Dixon, May Sinclair, E.H. Young, Radclyffe Hall, Winifred Holtby and Virginia Woolf, challenged dominant perceptions of singleness and lesbianism in their novels, stories and autobiographies. Drawing on advice literature, medical texts and feminist polemic, it demonstrates how these narratives responded to contemporary political controversies around the vote, women's work, sexual inversion, and birth control, as well as examining the impact of the First World War.

signatuur: cat. (liggi/odd) b


Odd Women? : Spinsters, Lesbians and Widows in British Women's Fiction, 1850s 1930s
cat. (liggi/odd) b ODE3
Emma Liggins.

Sapphic Spectres: Lesbian Gothic in Interwar German Narratives  / Hannah Louise O'Connor.

Cardiff: Cardiff University, 2014 - 152 p.
uitgave: Cardiff : Cardiff University, 2014 - 152 p.
  1. letteren
  2. geschiedenis
  3. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Existing scholarship on interwar German lesbian narratives has largely overlooked the role of Gothicism in their portrayal of sapphic sexuality. This thesis examines the use of established Gothic motifs in Alfred Döblin's Die beiden Freundinnen und ihr Giftmord (1924), Anna Elisabet Weirauch's Der Skorpion (1919-31) and Annemarie Schwarzenbach's Eine Frau zu sehen (2008). It also illustrates how the appropriation and modification of Gothic tropes, such as vampirism, haunting and doubling, reflect the ambivalence and hostility toward homosexuality internalised by the sapphic subject during the interwar period. My analysis considers the reimagining of vampiric figures in the first volume of Weirauch's trilogy and Döblin's fictionalised account of the scandalous 1923 Ella Klein and Margarete Nebbe case. It then outlines the sapphic uncanny aesthetic established in Schwarzenbach's novella and the third volume of Der Skorpion, engaging primarily with Freud's theory of the Uncanny. The thesis offers a sapphic Gothic reading of the chosen corpus of texts, broadening Paulina Palmer's notion of lesbian Gothic and Terry Castle's perception of the lesbian as an apparitional figure. My analysis identifies the gothicised aesthetic used in interwar lesbian narratives, such as Weirauch's Der Skorpion and Schwarzenbach's Eine Frau zu sehen, in order to convey internalised anxieties regarding lesbianism. These ambivalent depictions of same-sex desire invite new understandings of sapphic selfhood at this critical moment in the conceptualisation of modern lesbian identity.

signatuur: cat. (oconn/sap)

dgb grijs

Sapphic Spectres: Lesbian Gothic in Interwar German Narratives
cat. (oconn/sap)dgb grijs

Legalize My Sex : Uber die Supreme Court-Entscheidung zur Legalisierung von Homosexualitat in Indien  / Stefan Donath.

samenvatting: Am 6. September 2018 verkündete der Oberste Gerichtshof in Indien nach monatelangen Beratungen ein richtungsweisendes Urteil. Einstimmung urteilten die Richter, dass Paragraf 377 des Indischen Strafgesetzbuches, der gleichgeschlechtlichen Sex zwischen Männern und Frauen, auch wenn er einvernehmlich erfolgte, unter Strafe stellte, verfassungswidrig ist. Damit kippte der Supreme Court ein über 157 Jahre altes Gesetz aus der Kolonialzeit, das homosexuelle Handlungen kriminalisierte. Während der Verkündigung des Urteils erklärte Dipak Misra, Oberster Richter Indiens, dass die Kriminalisierung von homosexuellen Sex irrational und nicht zu rechtfertigen sei. Er fügte hinzu, dass die LGBTIQ+ Communty die gleichen Rechte wie alle anderen Bürger*innen habe. In Indien, einem der bevölkerungsreichsten Länder der Erde, bedeutete die Urteilsverkündigung nicht weniger, als dass es für knapp 1,4 Milliarden Menschen zu einer massieven Ausweitung von Freiheitsrechten kam.

signatuur: cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2020 b

Legalize My Sex : Uber die Supreme Court-Entscheidung zur Legalisierung von Homosexualitat in Indien
cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2020 b
Stefan Donath.
In: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2020 / Hrsg. Jan Feddersen ... [et al.]. - Göttingen : Wallstein, 2020. - p. 64-90.

Asexual erotics : intimate readings of compulsory sexuality  / 

Ela Przybylo.Athens, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2019 - xi, 196 p: ill.
uitgave: Athens, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2019 - xi, 196 p: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 169-187.
samenvatting: Challenging what she sees as an obsession with sex and sexuality, Ela Przybylo examines the silence around asexuality in queer, feminist, and lesbian thinking - turning to Audre Lorde?s work on erotics to propose instead an approach she calls asexual erotics, an alternative language for discussing forms of intimacy that are not reducible to sex and sexuality. Beginning with the late 1960s as a time when compulsory sexuality intensified and became increasingly tied to feminist, lesbian, and queer notions of empowerment, politics, and subjectivity, Przybylo looks to feminist political celibacy/asexuality, lesbian bed death, the asexual queer child, and the aging spinster as four figures that are asexually resonant and which benefit from an asexual reading?that is, from being read in an asexually affirming rather than asexually skeptical manner. Through a wide-ranging analysis of pivotal queer, feminist, and anti-racist movements; television and film; art and photography; and fiction, nonfiction, and theoretical texts, each chapter explores asexual erotics and demonstrates how asexuality has been vital to the formulation of intimate ways of knowing and being. Asexual Erotics assembles a compendium of asexual possibilities that speaks against the centralization of sex and sexuality, asking that we consider the ways in which compulsory sexuality is detrimental not only to asexual and nonsexual people but to all.

signatuur: cat. (przyb/ase) b


Asexual erotics : intimate readings of compulsory sexuality
cat. (przyb/ase) b ODE3
Ela Przybylo.

Love and money : queers, class, and cultural production  / 

Lisa Henderson.New York, NY: New York University Press, 2013 - xii, 201 p.: ill.
uitgave: New York, NY: New York University Press, 2013 - xii, 201 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 179-185.- Filmogr.: p. 187-189.
samenvatting: "Love and Money argues that we can't understand contemporary queer cultures without looking through the lens of social class. Resisting old divisions between culture and economy, identity and privilege, left and queer, recognition and redistribution, Love and Money offers supple approaches to capturing class experience and class form in and around queerness. Contrary to familiar dismissals, not every queer television or movie character is like Will Truman on Will and Grace - rich, white, healthy, professional, detached from politics, community, and sex. Through ethnographic encounters with readers and cultural producers and such texts as Boys Don't Cry, Brokeback Mountain, By Hook or By Crook, and wedding announcements in the New York Times, Love and Money sees both queerness and class across a range of idioms and practices in everyday life. How, it asks, do readers of Dorothy Allison's novels use her work to find a queer class voice? How do gender and race broker queer class fantasy? How do independent filmmakers cross back and forth between industry and queer sectors, changing both places as they go and challenging queer ideas about bad commerce and bad taste? With an eye to the nuances and harms of class difference in queerness and a wish to use culture to forge queer and class affinities, Love and Money returns class and its politics to the study of queer life."

signatuur: cat. (hende-l/lov) b

Love and money : queers, class, and cultural production
cat. (hende-l/lov) b
Lisa Henderson.

Reading The L word : outing contemporary television  / 

edited by Kim Akass and Janet McCabe ; introduction by Sarah Warn.New York, NY: Tauris, 2006 - xxxi, 247 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Tauris, 2006 - xxxi, 247 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 235-244.- Filmogr.: p. 232-234.
samenvatting: "The L Word" captured international attention when it first appeared on American screens in January 2004. The groundbreaking primetime drama from Showtime is about a group of lesbian and bisexual friends living and loving in Los Angeles, and challenges traditional notions of relationships, queer life styles, gender identities, race and ethnicity and sex and sexuality. "Reading the L Word" is the first book about this television phenomenon. With an introduction by Sarah Warn, the founder of premier lesbian entertainment website, AfterEllen.com, and a foreword by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, the collection brings together leading academics, feminist critics, scholars and award-winning journalists to discuss "The L Word". There is also a complete episode guide, as well as a series of interviews with the actors Erin Daniels, Katherine Moennig, and the writer, Guinevere Turner. Analytical, often humorous and sometimes provocative, "Reading the L Word" uncovers what makes this show both so compelling and groundbreaking.

signatuur: cat. (readi/lwo) b


Reading The L word : outing contemporary television
cat. (readi/lwo) b ODE3
edited by Kim Akass and Janet McCabe ; introduction by Sarah Warn.

Queere Homophobie : Über den gendertheoretischen Argwohn gegenüber Homosexuellen  / Dierk Saathoff.

samenvatting: "Queer", das war einmal die Aneignung eines Schimpfwortes, das man stolz auf sich selbst anwendete. Heute aber, nach 30 Jahren Gender Studies, steht der Begriff nicht mehr für eine gleichgeschlechtlich liebende Minderheit, sondern beschreibt grob Menschen, die die Kategorie des Geschelchts prinizpiell in Frage stellen. Gleichzeitig sind die Wörter "lesbisch"und "schwul" fast vollständig aus dem Sprachgebrauch verschwunden. Aber nrur fast: Vor allem auf Schulhöfen sind die Wörter "schwul" und "Schwuchtel"ununterbrochen im Einsatz - als Schimpfwörter. In der Szene deückt man sich davor, sie zu nenutzen, als Bezeichnung verwendet man lieber das immer länger werdende Akronym "LGBTIQ". Auch immer mehr junge Lesben und Schwule outen sich als "nichtbinär". Homosexuell zu sein gilt als als ausschließend gegenüber transsexuellllen Menschen - und das will natürlich niemand sein. Eine Art Scham in Bezug auf die Wörter "lesbisch"und "schwul" ist zu neobachten, und zwar trgicherweise bei Schwulen und Lesben selbst.

signatuur: cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2023 b

Queere Homophobie : Über den gendertheoretischen Argwohn gegenüber Homosexuellen
cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2023 b
Dierk Saathoff.
In: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2023 / Hrsg. Jan Feddersen ... [et al.]. - Göttingen : Wallstein, 2023. - p. 150-161.

Red Closet : The Hidden History of Gay Oppression in the USSR  / 

Rustam Alexander.Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023 - xiii, 269 p.
uitgave: Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023 - xiii, 269 p.
samenvatting: In 1934, Joseph Stalin enacted sodomy laws, unleashing a wave of brutal detentions of homosexual men in large Soviet cities. Rustam Alexander recounts the compelling stories of people whose lives were directly affected by those laws, including a naïve Scottish journalist based in Moscow who dared to write to Stalin in an attempt to save his lover from prosecution, and a homosexual theatre student who came to Moscow in pursuit of a career amid Stalin's harsh repressions and mass arrests. We also meet a fearless doctor in Siberia who provided medical treatment for gay men at his own peril, and a much-loved Soviet singer who hid his homosexuality from the secret police. Each vignette helps paint the hitherto unknown picture of how Soviet oppression of gay people originated and was perpetuated from Stalin's rule until the demise of the USSR. This book comes at a time when homophobia is again rearing its ugly head under Putin's rule.

signatuur: cat. (alexa-r/red) b


Red Closet : The Hidden History of Gay Oppression in the USSR
cat. (alexa-r/red) b ODE3
Rustam Alexander.


( DE:"lesbianisme" )

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