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Number of results: 13( dhaenens )


Tussen norm & verzet: De voorstelling van holebi's in tv-series  / Leen De Wispelaere; Frederik Dhaenens.

Zizo, 19 (2012) 119 juli/aug/sept, p. 60-63
source: Zizo year: 19 (2012) 119 juli/aug/sept, p. 60-63
resume: Onderzoeker Frederik Dhaenens (Ugent) wijdde een doctoraat aan de voorstelling van holebi's in hedendaagse televisiefictie. Voor zijn onderzoek analiseert hij verschillende tv series waarin holebi's verschillende rollen spelen. Hij vindt dat het gros van de representaties heteronormatief is.

signature: ts.

dgb periodieken

Tussen norm & verzet: De voorstelling van holebi's in tv-series
ts. dgb periodieken
Leen De Wispelaere; Frederik Dhaenens.

The good, the bad or the queer : Articulations of queer resistance in The Wire  / Frederik Dhaenens, Sofie Van Bauwel.

Sexualities, 15 (2012) 5/6 (sep), p. 702-717
source: Sexualities year: 15 (2012) 5/6 (sep), p. 702-717
resume: Although the representation of queer characters has grown significantly in contemporary western television, most of the popular fiction series are still dominated by hegemonic heteronormative discourses. However, this article demonstrates how the critically acclaimed series The Wire, through its subversive articulations of queer characters, resists heteronormativity. This implies that the series can be read as a defiance of an essentialist, hierarchical and oppositional way of thinking. Our textual thematic analysis reveals how the series uses both deconstructive practices that expose the way heteronormative practices function, and reconstructive practices offering counter-discourses that transgress societal assumptions about gender, sexuality and identity.

signature: ts.

The good, the bad or the queer : Articulations of queer resistance in The Wire
Frederik Dhaenens, Sofie Van Bauwel.

Sexual diversity on the small screen : Mapping LGBT+ characters in Flemish television fiction (2001-2016)  / Florian Vanlee, Frederik Dhaenens & Sofie Van Bauwel.

Gent: Department of Communication Sciences, 2018 - 78 p.
edition: Gent : Department of Communication Sciences, 2018 - 78 p.
  1. film
  2. lhbti
resume: Apart from figures on LGBT+ characters in television fiction produced by the American television industry, such as the "Where We Are On TV" - reports by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), quantitative data on LGBT+ representation television fiction series remains scarce internationally. With this working paper, we aim to address this lack in the context of Flemish television fiction. To meet the challenges posed by a lack of centralized data on Flemish television fiction in general, and LGBT+ characters and storylines specifically, we constructed a three-tiered database. Comprising of all 156 domestic television fiction series between 2001 and 2016, the quantitative presence of LGBT+ characters in these series, and individual traits of the 117 collected LGBT+ characters respectively. In doing so, we provide an overview of Flemish television fiction in general, the distribution in these series of characters who identify as LGBT+ and the storylines that relate to sexual and gender diversity, and offer a tool to identify individual pertinent characters. Flanders presents itself as having a dynamic television fiction industry in the past fifteen years, with genre diversity and a sizeable output. In its general output, LGBT+ characters have had a significant habitual presence since 2001, with a noted correlation to specific ?lowbrow? genres, and a noted lack in 'quality' series. The collected characters display a severe lack of diversity, with most LGBT+ characters being gay male characters, a significant majority being middle class, and few non- white LGBT+ characters.

signature: cat. (vanle/dha)

dgb grijs

Sexual diversity on the small screen : Mapping LGBT+ characters in Flemish television fiction (2001-2016)
cat. (vanle/dha)dgb grijs

Teenage queerness : Negotiating heteronormativity in the representation of gay teenagers in Glee  / Frederik Dhaenens.

Journal of Youth Studies, 16 (2013) 3, p. 304-317
source: Journal of Youth Studies year: 16 (2013) 3 , p. 304-317
resume: Despite a significant increase in gay representation in contemporary television fiction, many media scholars argue that the representation of gay men and women is governed by heteronormativity. They postulate that even rounded and heterogeneous representations of gay men and women are characters that desire to participate in institutions, practices, norms, and values that consolidate the heterosexual matrix. Yet, within a cultural studies tradition, television is considered an ambiguous medium that is able to both consent to and contest normative assumptions about sexuality. Taking into account this ambivalence, the study is interested in how popular teen television portrays gay teenagers and to what extent it negotiates heteronormativity in its representation of gay youth. As the objective is an in-depth investigation of representational strategies, the study examines one teen series that is authoritative in its representation of gay teens, namely the American musical series Glee. By means of a qualitative textual analysis, the article demonstrates that Glee represents gay youth as suffering victims or as teens aspiring to heteronormative values. On the other hand, Glee also provides counter-narratives in which gay teens are represented as happy, self-confident, and able to position themselves beyond the boundaries of the heterosexual matrix.

signature: dgb artikelen (dhaen/tee)

Teenage queerness : Negotiating heteronormativity in the representation of gay teenagers in Glee
dgb artikelen (dhaen/tee)
Frederik Dhaenens.
Journal of Youth Studies

Queer Resistances in the Adult Animated Sitcom  / Frederik Dhaenens and Sofie Van Bauwel.

Television & New Media, 13 (2011) 2 (jun), p. 124-138
source: Television & New Media year: 13 (2011) 2 (jun), p. 124-138
resume: This article studies the representation of queer characters and themes in the contemporary adult animated sitcom. We argue that even though popular culture is often assumed to reiterate and consolidate the discourse of heteronormativity, adult animated sitcoms create space for queer resistance. Since the genre draws on postmodern strategies of representation, we argue that queer resistance is subversively articulated through instances of pastiche and parody. It is embedded in content that is both complicit with and critical of the heteronormal. Through a textual thematic analysis of Family Guy, this case study illustrates how postmodern textual strategies create deconstructionist instances that expose and subvert the hegemony of heteronormativity.

signature: dgb artikelen (dhaen/que)

Queer Resistances in the Adult Animated Sitcom
dgb artikelen (dhaen/que)
Frederik Dhaenens and Sofie Van Bauwel.
Television & New Media

The Fantastic Queer : Reading Gay Representations in Torchwood and True Blood as Articulations of Queer Resistance  / Frederik Dhaenens.

Critical Studies in Media Communication, 30 (2013) 2 (jun), p. 102-116
source: Critical Studies in Media Communication year: 30 (2013) 2 (jun), p. 102-116
resume: Fantasy films and television series have generally taken an ambivalent position toward homosexuality. On the one hand, the genre has omitted representations of gay characters or displaced homosexuality onto the victims, villains, or nonhuman others. Hence, from a queer theoretical perspective, homosexuality has been represented as a threat to the hegemonic discourse of heteronormativity. On the other hand, deconstructionist practices have revealed how the other may be read as a form of cultural resistance and a powerful metaphor for gay men and women. However, a few 21st-century fantasy series are breaking the tradition by representing characters and themes explicitly marked as gay. Using a textual analysis of two contemporary fantasy series (Torchwood and True Blood), this study illustrates how the inclusion of gay characters rearticulates this ambivalent position of the fantasy genre toward homosexuality. The ambivalence no longer serves to read the others as metaphors for homosexuality and/or queerness, but allows us to imagine queer subject positions and transgressive norms and values in close relation to actual gay characters.

signature: dgb artikelen (dhaen/fan)

The Fantastic Queer : Reading Gay Representations in Torchwood and True Blood as Articulations of Queer Resistance
dgb artikelen (dhaen/fan)
Frederik Dhaenens.
Critical Studies in Media Communication

Queer theory and change : Towards a pragmatic approach to resistance and subversion in media research on gay and lesbian identities  / Sander De Ridder, Frederik Dhaenens, Sofie Van Bauwel.

Observatorio (OBS), 5 (2011) 2, p. 197-215
source: Observatorio (OBS) year: 5 (2011) 2 , p. 197-215
resume: This paper wants to challenge the tendency in media studies on gay and lesbian identities to remain within two dominant paradigms: the essentialist or the post-structuralist traditions. Consequently, we will elaborate on the question: if media research emphasizes social change, should it mainly adopt a political and strategic identity claim which refers to essentialism, or, should it acknowledge discourses as more important, and therefore use post-structural and queer theoretical insights? Since we discuss the case of gay and lesbian identities, we will focus on possible resistance in popular culture, which mainly involves offering alternatives to the continuous representation of heteronormativity. We will argue that for social change to occur, there needs to be a symbiosis between agency and structure. To this end, a dialectic approach is needed that bridges the gaps between, on the one hand, a post-structuralist project that creates awareness of norms, discourse and hegemony, and on the other, identity politics that have the potential to change laws and institutions. This paper will offer a mainly theoretical exploration and will use illustrations from popular media culture with a focus on television. To this end, this paper will illustrate how LGBT-targeted television channels employ the discussed strategies of resistance.

signature: dgb artikelen (ridde/que)

Queer theory and change : Towards a pragmatic approach to resistance and subversion in media research on gay and lesbian identities
dgb artikelen (ridde/que)
Sander De Ridder, Frederik Dhaenens, Sofie Van Bauwel.
Observatorio (OBS)

Gay Male Domesticity on the Small Screen : Queer Representations of Gay Homemaking in Six Feet Under and Brothers & Sisters  / Frederik Dhaenens.

Popular Communication : The International Journal of Media and Culture, 10 (2012) 3 (jul), p. 217-230
source: Popular Communication : The International Journal of Media and Culture year: 10 (2012) 3 (jul), p. 217-230
resume: This article acknowledges that contemporary representations of gay domesticity in popular television fiction are often shaped by the discourse of heteronormativity. However, drawing on the potential of popular culture to resist heteronormativity, this article argues that representations of gay domesticity can also be interpreted in terms of queer resistance. To this end, a textual thematic analysis of Brothers & Sisters and Six Feet Under was conducted to illustrate how these instances of resistance are articulated. This analysis has shown that the series rely on strategies of queer deconstructions to expose how heteronormativity governs and restrains gay domestic arrangements. They also rely on strategies of queer reconstructions to renegotiate gay domesticities in which the boundaries defined by the discourse of heteronormativity are defied, transgressed, and queered.

signature: dgb artikelen (dhaen/gay)

Gay Male Domesticity on the Small Screen : Queer Representations of Gay Homemaking in Six Feet Under and Brothers & Sisters
dgb artikelen (dhaen/gay)
Frederik Dhaenens.
Popular Communication : The International Journal of Media and Culture

Schermen met sek(sualiteit) : Het emanicpatorische belang van televisiepresentaties van seks en seksualiteit voor het jonge kijkpubliek  / Frederik Dhaenens en Elke van Damme.

, 10 (2012) 3 (jul), p. 217-230
source: year: 10 (2012) 3 (jul), p. 217-230
resume: Golven van morele paniek kenmerken de geschiedenis van televisie, vooral wanneer het om seksueel gerelateerde thema's in populaire cultuur gaat. Op regelmatige tijdstippen ontstaan zowel op nationaal als internationaal niveau publieke debatten tussen voor- en tegenstanders van taboedoorbrekende programma's, vooral wanneer ze betrekking hebben op de representatie van seks en seksualiteit in programma's gericht op jongeren. Dit boekhoofdstuk vertrekt van deze debatten en maakt drie argumenten. Ten eerste nuanceert dit hoofdstuk deze debatten. Televisie creëert ruimte voor het representeren van diversiteit binnen seksualiteit, zowel met betrekking tot seksuele praktijken als identiteiten. Ten tweede benadrukt dit essay dat jongeren als publiek kritisch en actief met televisiebeelden omgaan, en niet als volgzame sponzen alles voor waar aannemen. Ten derde toont dit hoofdstuk aan hoe televisie een emancipatorische hefboom kan worden voor jongeren met niet-heteronormatieve seksuele verlangens en/of identiteiten.

signature: dgb artikelen (dhaen/sch)

Schermen met sek(sualiteit) : Het emanicpatorische belang van televisiepresentaties van seks en seksualiteit voor het jonge kijkpubliek
dgb artikelen (dhaen/sch)
Frederik Dhaenens en Elke van Damme.
In: Media, democratie en identiteit : De rol van media in een democratische samenleving / ed. Stijn Joye, Daniël Biltereyst & Sofie Van Bauwel. - Gent : Academia Press, 2016. - p. 63-78. SAMENLEVING Stijn Joye, Daniël Biltereyst & Sofie Van Bauwel (red.)

How queer is 'pink' programming? : On the representational politics of an identity-based film program at Film Fest Gent  / Frederik Dhaenens.

Sexualities, 21 (2018) 5-6 (sep), p. 793-808
source: Sexualities year: 21 (2018) 5-6 (sep), p. 793-808
resume: International film festivals (IFFs) are increasingly taking an interest in offering programs that target LGBT audiences. Since this practice can be understood as an emancipatory and commercial strategy, this article examines the implications of this ambiguity within an IFF's politics of representation. Drawing on the results from a textual and contextual analysis of the films and programming strategies of the 2014 Film Fest Gent in Belgium, this article argues that an IFF has the potential to engage in moderately queer programming. By offering an identity-based program that makes room for alternative and critical negotiations of identity and intimacy and that looks for ways to offer LGBT content to diverse audiences in various settings, this festival demonstrates how programming LGBT content can be a critical and commercial success without having to rely on homonormative tropes and practices.

signature: ts.

How queer is 'pink' programming? : On the representational politics of an identity-based film program at Film Fest Gent
Frederik Dhaenens.


( dhaenens )

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