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Aantal resultaten: 26( DE:"biseksuele gemeenschap" )


Reflections on the Bisexual Experience  / Mary Bradford.

Journal of Bisexuality, 11 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 509-512
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 11 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 509-512
samenvatting: This article is a personal reflection on the qualitative research project, published in the 2004 Journal of Bisexuality, which explored the lived experiences of bisexual women and men. It considers what has changed since then for bisexuals, what has not and what our mission remains. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Reflections on the Bisexual Experience
Mary Bradford.
Journal of Bisexuality

Community involvement among behaviourally bisexual men in the Midwestern USA : experiences and perceptions across communities  / Brian Dodge ... [et al.].

Culture, Health and Sexuality, 14 (2012) 9, p. 1095-1110
bron: Culture, Health and Sexuality jaargang: 14 (2012) 9 , p. 1095-1110
samenvatting: Limited research exists regarding community involvement and social support among behaviourally bisexual men. Previous studies suggest that bisexual men experience high levels of social stigma in both heterosexual and homosexual community settings. Research focusing on social support has demonstrated that individuals with limited access to similar individuals experience greater risk for negative health outcomes. Using a community-based research design, participants were recruited using multiple methods. Researchers conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 75 men who reported having engaged in bisexual behaviour within the past six months. Interviews elucidated the experiences of behaviourally bisexual men in heterosexual and homosexual settings, as well as their perceptions of the existence of a bisexual community or bisexual spaces. All participants perceived a lack of a visible bisexual community and expressed difficulty with being comfortable, or a feeling of belonging, within a variety of heterosexual and homosexual community spaces. Findings suggest the need for interventions focused on community building among, as well as creating spaces specifically designed for, bisexual men in order to increase perceived social support and decrease isolation and possible negative health outcomes.

signatuur: dgb artikelen, map culture, health and sexuality (dodge/com)

Community involvement among behaviourally bisexual men in the Midwestern USA : experiences and perceptions across communities
dgb artikelen, map culture, health and sexuality (dodge/com)
Brian Dodge ... [et al.].
Culture, Health and Sexuality

De generatiekloof in roze damesland beslecht : Weg uit die comfortzone!  / Mariette van Beek.

Zij aan Zij, 23 (2014) 3 (mar), p. 32-34
bron: Zij aan Zij jaargang: 23 (2014) 3 (mar), p. 32-34
samenvatting: In samenwerking met Zami en De Kringen, organiseerden Stichting OndersteBoven, ASV Gay & Roze 50+ de allereerste generatiepubquiz voor lesbische, biseksuele, trans- en queervrouwen om generatiekloof binnen de LBT gemeenschap tegen te gaan.

signatuur: ts.

De generatiekloof in roze damesland beslecht : Weg uit die comfortzone!
Mariette van Beek.
Zij aan Zij

Social Milieu and Mediators of Loneliness Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Rural Indiana  / Michael J. Li, Randolph D. Hubach and Brian Dodge.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 19 (2015) 4 (sep/oct), p. 331-346
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health jaargang: 19 (2015) 4 (sep/oct), p. 331-346
samenvatting: Extant research on quality of life in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) primarily capture the social milieu and psychosocial outcomes of those living in urban rather than rural settings. Much of this can be attributed to the high demand for services in areas with greater concentrations of sexual minorities. As MSM in rural communities are both underrepresented in research and susceptible to social estrangement from each other, our study assessed the impacts of several aspects of their social milieu- recency of access to community resources for gay/bisexual men and time socializing with other gay/bisexual men- on loneliness, as well as the mediating role of perceived connectedness to the local gay/bisexual community on this association. Using purposive sampling and Internet-based direct marketing, we recruited 225 MSM aged 18 or older in rural and mixed rural areas in south-central Indiana. We performed a path analysis to test our hypothesized model. Recency of access to community resources was positively associated with perceived connectedness to the gay/bisexual community, which in turn was protective against loneliness. Findings indicate that improving accessibility to venues or activities for rural MSM could serve to facilitate community-building and benefit their psychosocial well-being. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19359705.2015.1033798 ]

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (li-m/hub)

Social Milieu and Mediators of Loneliness Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Rural Indiana
ts. dgb artikelen (li-m/hub)
Michael J. Li, Randolph D. Hubach and Brian Dodge.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health

Outside the LGBTQ 'Safety Zone' : Lesbian and Bisexual Women Negotiate Sexual Identity across Multiple Ecological Contexts  / Kimberly Belmonte and Tabitha R. Holmes.

Journal of Bisexuality, 16 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 233-269
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 16 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 233-269
samenvatting: This mixed methods study analyzed how bisexual (n = 241) and lesbian (n = 204) women qualitatively describe the settings in which they feel most positive and negative about their sexual identities. Secondly, the authors quantitatively assessed lesbian and bisexual women on identity-related processes (e.g., outness, negative feelings about identity) and standardized measures of acceptance and engagement with lesbian and bisexual communities and people. Compared to lesbian women, bisexual women were more likely to describe feeling most negative with family members and sexual minority peers, most positive when with allies, and were less likely to describe feeling positive 'everywhere.' Bisexual women were less open and had more negative feelings about their sexual identity than lesbians but were accepting of and engaged with lesbian and bisexual communities. Lesbians were only accepting of and engaged with lesbian communities. The discussion focuses on the changing role of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer contexts and the unique challenges faced by bisexual women. ( Copies available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15299716.2016.1152932 )

signatuur: ts.

Outside the LGBTQ 'Safety Zone' : Lesbian and Bisexual Women Negotiate Sexual Identity across Multiple Ecological Contexts
Kimberly Belmonte and Tabitha R. Holmes.
Journal of Bisexuality

Purple Prose : Bisexuality in Britain  / 

Edited by Kate Harrad.Portland, OR: Thorntree Press, 2016 - 333 p.: ill.
uitgave: Portland, OR: Thorntree Press, 2016 - 333 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Purple Prose: Bisexuality in Britain is the first of its kind: a book written for and by bisexuals in the UK. This accessible collection of interviews, essays, poems and commentary explores topics such as definitions of bisexuality, intersections of bisexuality with other identities, stereotypes and biphobia, being bisexual at work, teenage bisexuality and bisexuality through the years, the media's approach to bisexual celebrities, and fictional bisexual characters. Filled with raw, honest, first-person accounts as well as thoughts from leading bisexual activists in the UK, this is the book you'll buy for your friend who's just come out to you as bi-curious, or for your parents who think your bisexuality is weird or a phase, or for yourself, because you know you're bi but you don't know where to go or what to do about it.

signatuur: cat. (purpl/pro) b


Purple Prose : Bisexuality in Britain
cat. (purpl/pro) b ODE3
Edited by Kate Harrad.

Bisexuality, Mental Health, and Media Representation  / Hannah J. Johnson.

Journal of Bisexuality, 16 (2016) 3 (jul), p. 378-396
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 16 (2016) 3 (jul), p. 378-396
samenvatting: There is a mental health crisis in the bisexual community, and though the issues of mental health and media representation are analyzed separately in bisexual literature, they are rarely put side by side. Media such as television, film, and music often contribute to the perpetuation of negative stereotypes and stigmas about people who are bisexual. How do these issues contribute to the high rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among individuals who are bisexual? What issues do individuals who are bisexual face when they choose to seek help? This research project contributes to bisexual literature by drawing connections between media representation and mental health by firstly examining existing literature on bisexual issues such as biphobia, bisexual erasure, media representation, and mental health, and secondly discussing the results of an online survey to determine how other people who identify as bisexual feel about media representation and its relationship to the mental health crisis in the bisexual community.

signatuur: ts.

Bisexuality, Mental Health, and Media Representation
Hannah J. Johnson.
Journal of Bisexuality

Bisexual women's understandings of social marginalisation : "The heterosexuals don't understand us but nor do the lesbians"  / Nikki Hayfield, Victoria Clarke, Emma Halliwell.

Feminism and Psychology, 24 (2014) 3 (aug), p. 352-372
bron: Feminism and Psychology jaargang: 24 (2014) 3 (aug), p. 352-372
samenvatting: Drawing on interviews with 20 self-identified bisexual women, this paper contributes to the limited psychological literature on bisexual women by exploring their experiences of social marginalisation. These (mainly white and middle class) British bisexual women reported that they did not feel at home in either lesbian or lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, nor in the wider (heteronormative) society. They identified a number of understandings - bisexuality as a temporary phase on the path to a fully realised lesbian or heterosexual identity and bisexuals as immature, confused, greedy, untrustworthy, highly sexual and incapable of monogamy - which they reported as arising from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities and the wider society. The women refuted these accounts which they stated did not reflect their experiences of bisexual identity and which positioned bisexuality as invisible and invalid.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (hayfi/cla)

Bisexual women's understandings of social marginalisation : "The heterosexuals don't understand us but nor do the lesbians"
dgb artikelen (hayfi/cla)
Nikki Hayfield, Victoria Clarke, Emma Halliwell.
Feminism and Psychology

Loneliness and Belongingness in Older Lesbians : The Role of Social Groups as "Community"  / Jill Wilkens.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 19 (2015) 1 (jan-mar), p. 90-101
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 19 (2015) 1 (jan-mar), p. 90-101
samenvatting: This article explores loneliness and isolation in older lesbians, looking at the benefits offered by an over-55 fortnightly social group in Yorkshire. I argue that the women interviewed were more vulnerable to loneliness than their heterosexual counterparts as a direct consequence of many years of privacy and self-concealment and because they were more likely to be single, childless, and have fractured relationships with birth families; all significant losses viewed by the women as the 'price you paid' for being a lesbian. Although the group did not completely alleviate loneliness, it provided a place of safety and offered a sanctuary where participants could be themselves and where friendships and other groups were formed. For many women, the group's exclusivity to older lesbians and bisexual women was deeply significant and influenced their decision to attend. I suggest that such groups have a vital role to play in promoting older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender well-being and offering protection against loneliness and isolation in older age. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160.2015.960295 ]

signatuur: ts.

Loneliness and Belongingness in Older Lesbians : The Role of Social Groups as "Community"
Jill Wilkens.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Bisexuality in the Netherlands : Connecting bisexual passing, communities, and identities  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Journal of Bisexuality, 17 (2017) 3, p. 325-348
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 17 (2017) 3 , p. 325-348
samenvatting: This article explores bisexual passing and participants' perceptions of (and, sometimes, experiences with) the Dutch organized bisexual community and other bisexual communities in The Netherlands. On the basis of 21 interviews with bisexual women and 10 with bisexual men, the author discusses firstly why people often pass as heterosexual, lesbian, or gay in everyday situations, activities, and encounters, and secondly why people do not take part in the Dutch organized bisexual community. After engaging with bisexual theorising, the author use Schatzki's theory of practice to better explore and link bisexual passing and bisexual communities by focusing on how people, via participating in practices, relate to others and the social world. This theory shows not only that people find disclosing their bisexuality not relevant, appropriate, or acceptable in everyday practices, but also that this affects people's position towards the organized bisexual community.

signatuur: ts.

Bisexuality in the Netherlands : Connecting bisexual passing, communities, and identities
Emiel Maliepaard.
Journal of Bisexuality


( DE:"biseksuele gemeenschap" )

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