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Aantal resultaten: 17( mariecke van den berg )


Until everybody gets there : creating space for lesbian sexuality and faith in the reformed Churches in the Netherlands  / Mariecke van den Berg.

Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2008 - 78 bl.
uitgave: Utrecht : Utrecht University, 2008 - 78 bl.
  1. christendom
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: This thesis aims to investigate, from a feminist cultural studies perspective, the strategies of lesbian women who try to create a space for their sexuality within the reformed church.

signatuur: cat. (berg-m/unt)

dgb grijs

Until everybody gets there : creating space for lesbian sexuality and faith in the reformed Churches in the Netherlands
cat. (berg-m/unt)dgb grijs

Geloven onder de regenboog : handreiking voor hulpverlening aan christelijke lesbiennes, homo's, biseksuelen en transgenders  / Joost de Wolf, Juul van Hoof en Mariecke van den Berg.

Utrecht: Movisie, [2013] - 95 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Movisie, [2013] - 95 p.
  1. christendom
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Lesbiennes, homoseksuelen, biseksuelen en transgenders (LHBT's) met een christelijke achtergrond komen vaak in aanraking met afwijzende visies op homoseksualiteit en transgenderisme. Het horen van deze visies, gebrek aan steun en eigen vragen rondom LHBT-zijn, maakt dat het voor LHBT's geen onlogische stap is om hulp te zoeken bij een professionele hulpverlener. Voor hulpverleners is het echter niet altijd makkelijk om de hulpvraag te relateren aan de religieuze achtergrond van cliënten: het kerkelijk landschap in Nederland is erg divers en ook binnen kerkelijke gemeenschappen verschillen de visies op homoseksualiteit en transgenderisme. Vandaar dat MOVISIE en de christelijke LHBT-organisaties LKP, ContrariO, CHJC, Mirre en HolyFemales.nl (verenigd in de zogeheten LCC Plus organisaties) deze handreiking, bedoeld voor professionals die werkzaam zijn bij bijvoorbeeld de GGZ, (school)maatschappelijk werk, Zorg&Advies Teams en Centra voor Jeugd en Gezin, hebben geschreven.

signatuur: cat. (wolf-j/hoo)

dgb grijs

Geloven onder de regenboog : handreiking voor hulpverlening aan christelijke lesbiennes, homo's, biseksuelen en transgenders
cat. (wolf-j/hoo)dgb grijs

Religion, homosexuality, and contested social orders in the Netherlands, the western Balkans, and Sweden  / Mariecke van den Berg ... [et al.].

samenvatting: This chapter focuses on the strategic and ideological assumptions, interests and effects of present day constructions of sexual orientation, religion and nationalism in public arenas. The approach will be an explorative appraisal and critical analysis of the discursive formations of oppositional pairings of religion and homosexuality in contemporary public expressions in three different parts of Europe: the Netherlands, the Western Balkans, and Sweden. These three parts are, of course in no way representative of Europe as a whole, let alone with respect to the social acceptance of homosexuality. Whereas the overwhelming majority of Dutch and Swedish citizens hold the view that homosexuality is a legitimate way of life, this is minority view in the Balkans. To some extent, then, our findings will be in line with Inglehart and Norris (2003), who conclude from the World Values Survey that the cultural fault line between East and West is not about attitudes to democracy - as Samuel Huntington famously argued - but about attitudes to gender relations and sexuality. Our inquiry, however, is not so much about the private views or convictions of ordinary citizens as about public debate. In this respect, there are also significant differences between the Netherlands and Sweden. Our focus will be on those instances in which debates come to an 'eruption.' The first two sections provide a more general discussion of public discourse in the Netherlands and the Western Balkans to display the patterns. The third section provides a more in-depth discussion of a particular debate in Sweden.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (relig/hom)

Religion, homosexuality, and contested social orders in the Netherlands, the western Balkans, and Sweden
dgb artikelen (relig/hom)
Mariecke van den Berg ... [et al.].
In: Religion in Times of Crisis / edited by Gladys Ganiel, Heidemarie Winkel, Christophe Monnot. - Boston [etc.] : Brill, 2014. - p. 116-134.

Rings for the Rainbow Family : Religious Opposition to the Introduction of Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden  / Mariecke van den Berg.

Amsterdam: VU University, 2014 - 7 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : VU University, 2014 - 7 p.
  1. partnerschap/huwelijk
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: The aim of this paper is to get a closer understanding of the ways in which religion, (homo)sexuality and national identity have been constructed through public debates on same-sex marriage in Sweden. Sweden introduced same-sex marriage in 2009: the seventh country in the world to do so. Until the introduction of same-sex marriage (or, more precisely, gender neutral marriage), same-sex couples had the option of registered partnership, which gave them approximately the same juridical rights as married couples. In an extensive government report however it was concluded that the symbolic added value of marriage should not be withheld from gays and lesbians (Regner 2007).

signatuur: cat. (berg-m/rin)

dgb grijs

Rings for the Rainbow Family : Religious Opposition to the Introduction of Same-Sex Marriage in Sweden
cat. (berg-m/rin)dgb grijs

Queer studies, queer faith and the construction of religion in the public sphere  / Mariecke van den Berg.

Amsterdam: VU University, 2013 - 3 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : VU University, 2013 - 3 p.
  1. christendom
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: In this paper I would like to investigate why queerness is picked up on only reluctantly by religious LGBT communities and in religious emancipation language, (focusing on Christianity), and what the consequences of this troublesome incorporation of queer theory into religious communities (and beyond) might imply for public debates on religion and homosexuality. I would like to start by illustrating the troublesome relationship between queer studies and Christian LGBT-work in the Netherlands, using two brief examples, before turning to the role of queer studies and religion in a research project that recently started in the Netherlands, presenting some preliminary thoughts and findings on the relationship between the incorporation of queer studies in civil society, the constructions of religion in public debate and the role of religious LGBT?s.

signatuur: cat. (berg-m/que)

dgb grijs

Queer studies, queer faith and the construction of religion in the public sphere
cat. (berg-m/que)dgb grijs

Feminist / Queer Studies and the Study of Public Debates on Religion and Homosexuality  / Mariecke van den Berg.

Amsterdam: VU University, 2014 - 4 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : VU University, 2014 - 4 p.
  1. christendom
  2. lhbt
samenvatting: Within the research project "Contested Privates", I am comparing the oppositional pairing of religion and homosexuality in public debates in the Netherlands with three different national contexts: Sweden, Serbia, and Spain. The project is based on the observation that, in the Netherlands at least, public discourse on religion and homosexuality reveals a tense relationship between the two, whether utterances are deriving from religious or secular sources. Moreover, the project is based on the assumption that there has been a ?change of guard? when religion and homosexuality are concerned. While religion traditionally was a visible part of Dutch society and obviously present in the public sphere, it is now more and more directed to the private sphere. And while homosexuality used to be a private matter of the bedroom only, it has now become a distinct part of Dutch culture and the acceptance of homosexuality has even become a marker of Dutch national identity. Many of the rhetorical clashes concerning religion and homosexuality seem to be symptomatic of this struggle over public and private spheres. The international comparison, then, will clarify whether such a change of visibility and representation of both religion and homosexuality are in fact characteristic of the Dutch context, and whether debates take different forms in countries with a different history of religion and secularity (post-state church, reviving Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic) and political climate (socialist/liberal, post-communist and post-Franco). The project will cover a number of case studies (such as the introduction of same-sex marriage or LGBT-supportive legislation and controversial art expressions) and consist of a critical discourse analysis of media debates, popular culture and public counseling, detecting the discursive strategies or "sticky signs" (Ahmed 2004) used in the framing of the religious or homosexual other.

signatuur: cat. (berg-m/fem)

dgb grijs

Feminist / Queer Studies and the Study of Public Debates on Religion and Homosexuality
cat. (berg-m/fem)dgb grijs

'A Cancerous Tumour' : Conservative Religious Interventions in Debates on Homosexuality in Sweden  / Mariecke van den Berg.

Amsterdam: VU University, 2014 - 5 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : VU University, 2014 - 5 p.
  1. christendom
  2. lhbt
samenvatting: The age of the post-secular, in which we currently find ourselves according to many scholars of religion, implies reflection on the meaning and practices of religion as an ever changing phenomenon, as well as a redefinition of the role of religion in public sphere. What is striking is the prominent role of gender and sexuality in debates over the role of religion in the public domain. Several studies have addressed the way in which 'revival' religion presents itself as the guardian of social morality, focussing on 'pro-family' rhetoric of, for instance the 'New Right' in the United States or the Eastern Orthodox Churches. While the most outspoken initiatives of pro-family or anti-gay organisations seem to take place outside the boundaries of Western Europe, this is not entirely the case. In this paper, I would like to address two cases where religious argumentation against homosexuality found its way into the public debate in Sweden, a country known for its progressive policy on LGBT-rights. Other than the title might suggest, I am not interested exclusively in these religious statements themselves, but in the reception thereof in the media, and what this reception tells us about religion in the public sphere in Sweden. What I will try to disentangle are the ways in which the rhetorical strategies that are used construct and reconstruct the relation between religion, homosexuality, and Swedish identity.

signatuur: cat. (berg-m/can)

dgb grijs

'A Cancerous Tumour' : Conservative Religious Interventions in Debates on Homosexuality in Sweden
cat. (berg-m/can)dgb grijs

God, Seks en Politiek : Themanummer  / 

red. David J. Bos ... [et al.]
annotatie: Themanummer naar aanleiding van het symposion op 13 mei 2016 aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
samenvatting: LHBT gerelateerde artikelen: - Een smet op de mooiste dag van je leven: de controverse van de 'weigerambtenaar' / Marco Derks. - p. 101-121. - Bezield door gedeelde afkeer: de rol van het wetenschappelijke vraagstuk van de homoseksualiteit in het politieke debat 1901-1911 / Jolanda van der Lee. - p. 122-140. - Hardnekkige hetero: 'Seksuele diversiteit' in de praktijk van het middelbaar schoolonderwijs / Sam Meerhoff. - p. 156-174. - Seksualiteit in de islam tussen dogma en dagelijkse praktijk: aspecten van islamitische seksuele moraal / Mohamed Ajouaou. - p. 175-186. - Hoe homo's en moslims iets met elkaar kregen: een lange-termijnanalyse van het discours over homoseksualiteit en islam in Nederlandse dagbladen, radio- en televisieprogramma's / David J. Bos. - p. 206-248. - Zie de mens: het queer potentieel van homo-Jezus in Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins Ecce homo. / Mariecke van den Berg. - p. 249-270

signatuur: cat. (god/seks) b


God, Seks en Politiek : Themanummer
cat. (god/seks) b ODE3
red. David J. Bos ... [et al.]

Transgender en beeldvorming Nederland 1991-2016  / Mariecke van den Berg.

[Amsterdam]: Atria, 2017 - 4 p.
uitgave: [Amsterdam] : Atria, 2017 - 4 p.
  1. transgender
samenvatting: Transgender personen zijn in Nederland in relatief korte tijd veel zichtbaarder geworden in de media. Deze zichtbaarheid biedt kansen voor maatschappelijke bewustwording en acceptatie, maar brengt ook het risico van stereotypering met zich mee. Om inzicht te krijgen in de beeldvorming van transgender mensen onderzocht Atria hoe in de afgelopen 25 jaar ?de transgender? een herkenbare, publieke figuur werd. Daarbij is gekeken naar algemene trends in de geschreven media, een selectie van drie dagbladen en twee recente televisieprogramma?s: Hij is een Zij (KRO-NCRV) en Love Me Gender (EO).

signatuur: cat. (berg-m/tra)

dgb grijs

Transgender en beeldvorming Nederland 1991-2016
cat. (berg-m/tra)dgb grijs

Queer Studies, Queer Faith, and the Construction of Religion in the Public Sphere in the Netherlands  / Mariecke van den Berg.

Scholar & Feminist Online (S&F Online), 14 (2017) 2
bron: Scholar & Feminist Online (S&F Online) jaargang: 14 (2017) 2
samenvatting: In the research project Contested Privates based in the Netherlands, the researchers aim to use gender and queer studies in order to unmask the stereotypes and uncover subtexts with alternative constructions of both homosexuality and religion, contributing to ways of overcoming polarized states of affairs. We expect that the extent to which queer studies is implemented in various levels in society will be one of the explanatory factors (next to political and religious configurations) of why public debates might differ per national context. In the context of this research, I understand ?queer? in the way defined by Tiina Rosenberg as 'not so much a certain individual, but rather a way of marking and making concrete heteronormativity as an exclusionary and stigmatizing practice.' In this paper I would like to investigate why queerness (as a practice, a theory and a theology) is picked up on only reluctantly by religious LGBT communities and in religious emancipation language in the Netherlands, (focusing on Christianity), and what the consequences of this troublesome incorporation of queer theory into religious communities (and beyond) might imply for public debates on religion and homosexuality. I would like to start by illustrating the troublesome relationship between queer studies and Christian LGBT-work in the Netherlands, using two brief examples, before turning to the incorporation of queer studies in LGBT activism in general. I will then discuss the role of religion in contemporary emancipatory discourse, followed by some preliminary reflections on the potential of queering public discourse. (Full text available at: http://sfonline.barnard.edu/queer-religion/queer-studies-queer-faith-and-the-construction-of-religion-in-the-public-sphere-in-the-netherlands/

signatuur: full_text

dgb artikelen (berg-m/que)

Queer Studies, Queer Faith, and the Construction of Religion in the Public Sphere in the Netherlands
full_text dgb artikelen (berg-m/que)
Mariecke van den Berg.
Scholar & Feminist Online (S&F Online)


( mariecke van den berg )

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