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Number of results: 8( AU: jojanneke AND van AND der AND toorn )


In Defense of Tradition : Religiosity, Conservatism, and Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage in North America  / Jojanneke van der Toorn ...[et al.].

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43 2017 10 (jul), p. 1455-1468
source: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin year: 43 2017 10 (jul), p. 1455-1468
resume: Arguments opposing same-sex marriage are often made on religious grounds. In five studies conducted in the United States and Canada (combined N = 1,673), we observed that religious opposition to same-sex marriage was explained, at least in part, by conservative ideology and linked to sexual prejudice. In Studies 1 and 2, we discovered that the relationship between religiosity and opposition to same-sex marriage was mediated by explicit sexual prejudice. In Study 3, we saw that the mediating effect of sexual prejudice was linked to political conservatism. Finally, in Studies 4a and 4b we examined the ideological underpinnings of religious opposition to same-sex marriage in more detail by taking into account two distinct aspects of conservative ideology. Results revealed that resistance to change was more important than opposition to equality in explaining religious opposition to same-sex marriage.

signature: dgb artikelen (defens/tra)

In Defense of Tradition : Religiosity, Conservatism, and Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage in North America
dgb artikelen (defens/tra)
Jojanneke van der Toorn ...[et al.].
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Naar een inclusieve werkvloer: seksuele oriëntatie en gender identiteit op het werk  / Jojanneke van der Toorn.

Leiden: Universiteit van Leiden, 2018 - 18 p.
edition: Leiden : Universiteit van Leiden, 2018 - 18 p.
  1. arbeid/inkomen
  2. lhbti
resume: Er wordt gesproken over het belang van een inclusieve werkvloer waar ruimte is voor diverse seksuele oriëntatie en genderidentiteit. Hoe wordt daar binnen de Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie onderzoek naar gedaan en wat is er tot nu toe geleerd. Er wordt aandacht besteed aan mogelijke obstakels op weg naar een inclusieve werkvloer en aan blinde vlekken in diversiteitsbeleid, maar ook aan mogelijke oplossingen en aan de kansen die een inclusieve werkvloer biedt voor organisaties en hun werknemers. Daarnaast wordt ingegegaan op hoe binnen de leerstoel in de komende jaren hiernaar onderzoek zal worden gedaan.

signature: cat. (toorn/inc)

dgb grijs

Naar een inclusieve werkvloer: seksuele oriëntatie en gender identiteit op het werk
cat. (toorn/inc)dgb grijs

Interventions to Reduce Blatant and Subtle Sexual Orientation- and Gender Identity Prejudice (SOGIP) : Current Knowledge and Future Directions  / Florien. M. Cramwinckel, Daan T. Scheepers, Jojanneke van der Toorn.

Social Issues and Policy Review, 12 (2018) 1, p. 183--217
source: Social Issues and Policy Review year: 12 (2018) 1 , p. 183--217
resume: Given its prevalence and impact, it is important that prejudice against sexual-and gender identity minorities is reduced and that negative behaviors against these minorities are prevented. We introduce and provide a definition of the term Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Prejudice (SOGIP), and discuss its determinants and configurations as well as ways to measure it. Furthermore, we review the recent social psychological literature on SOGIP-reducing interventions, identify scientific knowledge gaps regarding these interventions, and offer recommendations on how to apply the available knowledge to real-life situations. We conclude that there are many interventions currently being employed to target SOGIP with some seeming more effective than others. Particularly promising interventions are those aimed at evoking empathy and perspective taking and those aimed at developing alliances between minority and majority members. However, there is still room for improvement. Overall, little empirical evidence speaks to the robustness of intervention effects, its underlying mechanisms, duration, and boundary conditions. Researchers should focus on all aspects of SOGIP (i.e., sexual orientation prejudice as well as gender identity prejudice); different expressions of prejudice (i.e., blatant and subtle), actual behavior towards minorities, and on both perpetrators and targets of prejudice. By joining forces, researchers and practitioners should aim to overcome practical and theoretical obstacles in evaluating the effectiveness of interventions. Policy makers should support initiatives that test, improve, implement and distribute intervention programs, and can help bring together researchers and practitioners.

signature: dgb artikelen (cram/sche/too)

Interventions to Reduce Blatant and Subtle Sexual Orientation- and Gender Identity Prejudice (SOGIP) : Current Knowledge and Future Directions
dgb artikelen (cram/sche/too)
Florien. M. Cramwinckel, Daan T. Scheepers, Jojanneke van der Toorn.
Social Issues and Policy Review

Uit de kast komen lost lang niet alles op  / Jojanneke van der Toorn, Michiel Kolman.

Parool 04-01-2022
source: Parool 04-01-2022
resume: Openheid over seksuele geaardheid is niet altijd zaligmakend en discriminatie kan na coming-out juist erger worden, stellen Jojanneke van der Toorn en Michiel Kolman.

signature: knipsel (datum)

Uit de kast komen lost lang niet alles op
knipsel (datum)
Jojanneke van der Toorn, Michiel Kolman.

Unhealthy closets, discriminatory dwellings: The mental health benefits and costs of being open about one's sexual minority status  / Alexandra Suppes, Jojanneke van der Toorn, Christopher T. Begeny.

Social Science and Medicine (2021) 285, p. 183--217
source: Social Science and Medicine (2021) 285 , p. 183--217
resume: With a concealable stigmatized identity, sexual minorities not only face discrimination but the burden of deciding when to be open about their sexuality. What are the mental health costs and benefits to openness about sexual minority status? On the one hand, openness fosters integration within the LGBTQ + community (yielding downstream benefits), but it also heightens perceptions of discrimination towards oneself and the group at large (yielding downstream costs for mental health). Previous research has focused on openness as reflecting either a cost or a benefit to sexual minorities' mental health, resulting in apparent conflict. We propose an integrated view of openness as leading to both costs and benefits that work in tandem to steer mental health. In two pre-registered studies with nearly 4000 ethnically diverse, sexual minority participants, we propose a theoretically-driven serial mediation model to test opposing mediating mechanisms that operate on subjective wellbeing and mental health. Specifically, we determine how the relationship between openness about sexual minority status fosters LGBTQ + identity importance, community integration, and perception of discrimination. Results: Being more (vs. less) open strengthens LGBTQ identity importance, facilitating integration in the LGBTQ + community, which benefits mental health. However, openness and strengthened identity importance simultaneously prompt increased perceptions of discrimination, the burden of which adversely affects mental health. Together these opposing forces explain the weak association between greater openness and mental health - an association that indicates, overall, that openness does have a net benefit for LGBTQ + individuals' mental health. Conclusions: By identifying opposing mechanisms that underlie the relationship between openness and mental health, we have provided a more integrated perspective on the role that openness plays on sexual minorities' mental health. Openness is associated with stronger group identity importance, greater community integration, and heightened perception that the group (and self) face discrimination.

signature: dgb artikelen (suppe/unh)

Unhealthy closets, discriminatory dwellings: The mental health benefits and costs of being open about one's sexual minority status
dgb artikelen (suppe/unh)
Alexandra Suppes, Jojanneke van der Toorn, Christopher T. Begeny.
Social Science and Medicine

LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion: A global issue requiring a transdisciplinary and intersectional approach  / Jojanneke van der Toorn and Waruguru Gaitho.

Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 24 (2021) 3/4, p. 376-387
source: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies year: 24 (2021) 3/4 , p. 376-387
resume: Scholarly interest in the workplace experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) employees has increased over the past decades. The research demonstrates the particular challenges that LGBTIQ+ individuals face, both in terms of access to work (e.g. gaining employment) and in terms of employees' opportunities to work to their full potential and to progress in their careers. Likewise, organisational practitioners have become increasingly interested in concrete recommendations for establishing work environments where employees feel that they belong and can be themselves regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC). Hence, evidence-based insight is needed into how to create an LGBTIQ+ inclusive workplace. The research on LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion is scattered, however, hampering the meaningful utilisation of insights in practice. Practitioners, on the other hand, often rely on copying the efforts of other organisations (so-called best practices), which are not always evidence-based. Meaningful exchange between scholarship and practice is needed. For this reason, in May 2021, we organised the LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion conference at Leiden University.

signature: dgb artikelen (toorn/gai)

LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion: A global issue requiring a transdisciplinary and intersectional approach
dgb artikelen (toorn/gai)
Jojanneke van der Toorn and Waruguru Gaitho.
Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies

Researching the tension between privacy and inclusion in organisations: Promises and pitfalls of a transdisciplinary approach  / Jojanneke van der Toorn, Martine Veldhuizen, and Stefan Kulk.

Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 24 (2021) 1, p. 53-63
source: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies year: 24 (2021) 1 , p. 53-63
resume: A sense of inclusion in the workplace means that employees feel that they belong and can be themselves at work. Such feelings of inclusion not only have positive consequences for individual employees but also for the organisation that these employees work at. Research shows that feeling included increases employees' job satisfaction and reduces their work-related stress and their intentions to leave the company. However, much remains unknown about what organisations can do to facilitate a sense of inclusion amongst employees. This is particularly the case when it comes to relatively invisible identities such as sexual orientation and gender identity. As a consequence, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and other sexual or gender minority (LGBTIQ+) individuals continue to be structurally disadvantaged in the workplace.

signature: dgb artikelen (toorn/vel)

Researching the tension between privacy and inclusion in organisations: Promises and pitfalls of a transdisciplinary approach
dgb artikelen (toorn/vel)
Jojanneke van der Toorn, Martine Veldhuizen, and Stefan Kulk.
Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies

Not quite over the rainbow : the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology  / Jojanneke van der Toorn, Ruthie Pliskin and Thekla Morgenroth.

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences (2020) 34, p. 160-165
source: Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences (2020) 34 , p. 160-165
resume: Heteronormative ideology refers to the belief that there are two separate and opposing genders with associated natural roles that match their assigned sex, and that heterosexuality is a given. It is pervasive and persistent, carrying negative consequences. Because it is embedded in societal institutions and propagated through socialization and other widely held ideologies, it is prevalent among both cis-hetero and LGBTQI+ individuals. In the current article, we discuss the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology, reviews of the social-psychological mechanisms that contribute to its maintenance, and provide directions for future research that could inform efforts to combat it. We argue that threat reactions to non-heteronormative behavior reinforce heteronormative beliefs and that interventions are needed to address both prejudice and its underlying mechanisms.

signature: dgb artikelen (toorn/pli)

Not quite over the rainbow : the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology
dgb artikelen (toorn/pli)
Jojanneke van der Toorn, Ruthie Pliskin and Thekla Morgenroth.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences


( AU: jojanneke AND van AND der AND toorn )

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