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Number of results: 16( AU:baams )


Gender Nonconformity, Perceived Stigmatization, and Psychological Well-Being in Dutch Sexual Minority Youth and Young Adults : A Mediation Analysis  / Laura Baams ... [et al.].

Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42 (2013) 5 (july), p. 765-773
source: Archives of Sexual Behavior year: 42 (2013) 5 (july), p. 765-773
resume: Dutch sexual minority youth and young adults (106 females and 86 males, 16-24 years old) were assessed to establish whether there was a relation between gender nonconformity and psychological well-being and whether this relation was mediated by perceived experiences of stigmatization due to perceived or actual sexual orientation and moderated by biological sex. The participants were recruited via announcements on Dutch LGBTQ-oriented community websites and then linked to a protected online questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to measure gender nonconformity, perceived experiences of stigmatization, and psychological well-being. Gender nonconformity was found to predict lower levels of psychological well-being and the mediation analysis confirmed that lower levels of psychological well-being were related to the perceived experiences of stigmatization. This mediation was not moderated by biological sex. These findings show that both research and interventions should pay more attention to gender nonconformity among young people in order to create a more positive climate for young sexual minority members.

signature: dgb artikelen (gende/baa)

Gender Nonconformity, Perceived Stigmatization, and Psychological Well-Being in Dutch Sexual Minority Youth and Young Adults : A Mediation Analysis
dgb artikelen (gende/baa)
Laura Baams ... [et al.].
Archives of Sexual Behavior

Blooming Sexuality : A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Development  / Laura Baams.

Utrecht: s.n., 2014 - 233 p.
edition: Utrecht : s.n., 2014 - 233 p.
  1. jongeren
  2. homoseksualiteit
resume: Tijdens de adolescentie beginnen veel jongeren aan hun eerste romantische relatie of hebben een eerste seksuele ervaring. Gedurende deze periode zijn er ook veel veranderingen op biologisch gebied, bijvoorbeeld fysieke veranderingen die te maken hebben met de puberteit, en ook psychologische veranderingen zoals een toename in autonomie. Adolescenten hebben in deze periode meer behoefte aan vrijheid van ouders, en ook gaan vrienden en andere leeftijdgenoten een grotere rol spelen. Hoewel eerder onderzoek heeft laten zien hoe de seksuele ontwikkeling van jongeren in Nederland eruitziet, weten we nog maar weinig over voorspellers van deze ontwikkeling. Sommige jongeren zullen eerder geïnteresseerd zijn in seksualiteit dan anderen. Ook zullen sommige jongeren romantische en seksuele relaties positiever ervaren dan anderen, en zullen sommigen misschien negatieve ervaringen hebben. In dit proefschrift wordt gekeken naar biologische, psychologische, en omgevingsfactoren in relatie tot de romantische en seksuele ontwikkeling van adolescenten en jongvolwassenen. In het eerste deel van dit proefschrift worden individuele factoren bekeken zoals puberteitsontwikkeling en persoonlijkheid. Daarna zijn drie omgevingsfactoren bekeken, namelijk vrienden, klasgenoten, en media. Ten slotte is in het derde deel onderzoek gedaan naar het welzijn van jongeren die zich (ook) aangetrokken voelen tot personen van hetzelfde geslacht.

signature: cat. (baams/blo)

dgb grijs

Blooming Sexuality : A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Development
cat. (baams/blo)dgb grijs

Gendernonconformiteit, stigmatisering, en psychologisch welzijn van Nederlandse lesbische, homoseksuele, en biseksuele jongeren  / Laura Baams, Henny Bos.

Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 38 (2014) 2, p. 86-94
source: Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie year: 38 (2014) 2 , p. 86-94
resume: Gendernonconformiteit staat voor kenmerken die afwijken van de verwachtingen en rollen van mannen en vrouwen in de Nederlandse maatschappij. Gendernonconforme personen ervaren meer stigmatisering en afwijzing. In de huidige studie onderzoeken we onder Nederlandse lesbische, homo, en biseksuele jongeren of deze negatieve ervaringen gerelateerd zijn aan een lagere mate van psychologisch welzijn. In totaal hebben 106 vrouwen en 86 mannen meegedaan (16-24 jaar oud) aan een online vragenlijst. Uit de resultaten bleek dat een hogere mate van gendernonconformiteit samenhangt met een lagere mate van psychologisch welzijn. Verder bleek dat dit verband gemedieerd werd door een hogere mate van stigmatiserende ervaringen. De relaties verschilden niet voor mannen en vrouwen. De resultaten uit deze studie geven aan dat wanneer de genderexpressie van deze jongeren afwijkt van de verwachte maatschappelijke rollen en uiterlijke kenmerken, dit samengaat met ervaringen van stigmatisering en afwijzing, en dat deze negatieve ervaringen gerelateerd zijn aan een lagere mate van welzijn. Deze studie maakt duidelijk dat ondanks het relatief positieve Nederlandse klimaat betreffende homo-acceptatie, er nog veel te verbeteren is qua acceptatie van verschillende genderexpressies.

signature: dgb artikelen (baams/bos)

Gendernonconformiteit, stigmatisering, en psychologisch welzijn van Nederlandse lesbische, homoseksuele, en biseksuele jongeren
dgb artikelen (baams/bos)
Laura Baams, Henny Bos.
Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie

Minority Stress and Mechanisms of Risk for Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth  / Laura Baams, Arnold H. Grossman and Stephen T. Russell.

Developmental Psychology, 51 (2015) 51 (may), p. 688-696
source: Developmental Psychology year: 51 (2015) 51 (may), p. 688-696
resume: The experience of minority stress is often named as a cause for mental health disparities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth, including higher levels of depression and suicidal ideation. The processes or mechanisms through which these disparities occur are understudied. The interpersonal -psychological theory of suicide posits two key mechanisms for suicidal ideation: perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness (Joiner, 2009). The aim of the current study is to assess the mental health and adjustment among LGB youth emphasizing the minority stress model (Meyer, 2003) and the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide (Joiner et al., 2009). With a survey of 876 LGB self-identified youth, levels of coming-out stress, sexual orientation victimization, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, depression, and suicidal ideation were examined. The results of a multigroup mediation model show that for all gender and sexual identity groups, the association of sexual orientation victimization with depression and suicidal ideation was mediated by perceived burdensomeness. For gay, lesbian, and bisexual girls coming-out stress was also found to be related to depression and suicidal ideation, mediated by perceived burdensomeness. The results suggest that feeling like a burden to 'people in their lives' is a critical mechanism in explaining higher levels of depression and suicidal ideation among LGB youth. These results have implications for community and social support groups, many of which base their interventions on decreasing social isolation rather than addressing youths' beliefs of burdensomeness. Implications for future research, clinical and community settings are discussed.

signature: dgb artikelen (baams/gro)

Minority Stress and Mechanisms of Risk for Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth
dgb artikelen (baams/gro)
Laura Baams, Arnold H. Grossman and Stephen T. Russell.
Developmental Psychology

Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Longitudinal Predictor of LGBTQ Name-Calling and Perceived Willingness to Intervene in School  / Laura Baams, Judith Semon Dubas and Marcel A. G. van Aken

Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46 (2017) 5, p. 931-942
source: Journal of Youth and Adolescence year: 46 (2017) 5 , p. 931-942
resume: Comprehensive sexuality education and sexuality education that is inclusive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth is thought to educate and support youth in their social relations. Despite the obligation for Dutch schools to cover sexuality education in their curricula, including the topic of sexual diversity, the content that is covered varies widely across schools. With the current study, we present an overview of the content of sexuality education as reported by a sample of 601 Dutch adolescents (58.4% female youth) from six different high schools (e.g., public, Roman Catholic, protestant, anthroposophical; grades 10?12). Further, we examine whether the content or extensiveness of sexuality education at the beginning of the school year is related to a decrease in LGBTQ name-calling and an increase in the willingness to intervene when witnessing LGBTQ name-calling at the end of the school year. Adolescents completed three surveys, spaced four months apart. The results show that anatomy, STI prevention, and relationships are covered most often in sexuality education, with less attention to sexual diversity. Our longitudinal findings show that having a wide variety of topics covered in sexuality education - not just sexual diversity - was related to an increase in perceived willingness to intervene when witnessing LGBTQ name-calling by teachers or school staff, fellow students, and youth themselves (female youth). It also predicted a decrease in the occurrence of name-calling according to females. Our findings emphasize the importance of having comprehensive sexuality education in schools; it not only educates and empowers youth but also signals a safer school climate.

signature: dgb artikelen (baams/com)

Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Longitudinal Predictor of LGBTQ Name-Calling and Perceived Willingness to Intervene in School
dgb artikelen (baams/com)
Laura Baams, Judith Semon Dubas and Marcel A. G. van Aken
Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Communicatie met ouders en vrienden als buffer tegen symptomen van angst en depressie voor same-sex attracted jongeren  / Tessa Kaufman, Laura Baams en Henny Bos.

Pedagogiek, 35 (2015) 2, p. 1-34
source: Pedagogiek year: 35 (2015) 2 , p. 1-34
resume: Eerder onderzoek laat zien dat jongeren die zich (ook) aangetrokken voelen tot, of verliefd worden op, personen van dezelfde sekse ("same sex attracted"; SSA) meer symptomen van angst en depressie rapporteren dan jongeren die deze aantrekking niet rapporteren, met name vanwege ervaringen met discriminatie en afwijzing. In de huidige studie onderzoeken we of de kwaliteit van communicatie met ouders en zelfonthulling aan vrienden, 'face to face' of online de relatie tussen SSA en angst en depressieve symptomen kan doen afnemen. Onder 716 Nederlandse jongeren (Mleeftijd = 15,4 jaar) is een vragenlijst afgenomen met vragen over psychische gezondheid en de communicatie met ouders, leeftijdgenoten en online contacten. Uit een regressieanalyse bleek dat de mate van seksuele aantrekking tot personen van hetzelfde geslacht gerelateerd was aan meer symptomen van angst en depressie, maar dat deze relatie verdween wanneer jongeren een hoge mate van ?face to face? zelfonthulling aan vrienden rapporteerden. Dit werd niet gevonden voor kwaliteit van communicatie met ouders en zelfonthulling aan online contacten. De bevindingen van deze studie laten zien dat het delen van persoonlijke gevoelens en ervaringen met vrienden tijdens ?face to face? ontmoetingen een positieve rol kan spelen, specifiek voor jongeren die zich aangetrokken voelen tot personen van dezelfde sekse.

signature: dgb artikelen (kaufm/baa)

Communicatie met ouders en vrienden als buffer tegen symptomen van angst en depressie voor same-sex attracted jongeren
dgb artikelen (kaufm/baa)
Tessa Kaufman, Laura Baams en Henny Bos.

Disparities for LGBTQ and Gender Nonconforming Adolescents  / Laura Baams.

Pediatrics, 141 (2018) 5 (may), p. 1-12
source: Pediatrics year: 141 (2018) 5 (may), p. 1-12
resume: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) and gender nonconforming adolescents experience high rates of parental abuse and polyvictimization. There iscurrently no knowledge of patterns of adversity for these youth. Awareness of patterns of childhood adversity could help physicians and pediatricians to monitor these experiences. LGBTQ adolescents are more likely to experience patterns of abuse compared with heterosexual adolescents. Adversity among LGBTQ adolescents and those with high levels of gender nonconformity should be monitored. Primary physicians and pediatricians may be first lines of contact.

signature: dgb artikelen (baams/dis)

Disparities for LGBTQ and Gender Nonconforming Adolescents
dgb artikelen (baams/dis)
Laura Baams.

Microaggressions and Depressive Symptoms in Sexual Minority Youth : The Roles of Rumination and Social Support  / Tessa M. L. Kaufman, Laura Baams, Judith Semon Dubas.

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 4 (2017) 2 (may), p. 184-192
source: Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity year: 4 (2017) 2 (may), p. 184-192
resume: Mental health disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual youth are often explained by discriminatory experiences and rejection. Although many studies focus on explicit victimization, the consequences of subtle, everyday discriminations ('microaggressions') against sexual minority youth are unknown. With an online study among 267 Dutch sexual minority youth (aged 16-22 years) we investigated indirect associations between sexual orientation microaggression experiences and depressive symptoms through rumination and whether these could be buffered by sexuality-specific support. Microaggression experiences were indirectly related to depressive symptoms, through rumination. We found no buffering effects of support. Findings call for awareness of the potentially negative impact of subtle discriminatory experiences, in addition to explicit discrimination, and the negative mental health outcomes that may develop as a result of ruminative emotion regulation.

signature: dgb artikelen (kaufm/mic)

Microaggressions and Depressive Symptoms in Sexual Minority Youth : The Roles of Rumination and Social Support
dgb artikelen (kaufm/mic)
Tessa M. L. Kaufman, Laura Baams, Judith Semon Dubas.
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity

Trends in Alcohol-Related Disparities Between Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Youth from 2007 to 2015 : Findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey  / Jessica N. Fish, Laura Baams.

LGBT Health, 5 (2018) 6, p. 359-367
source: LGBT Health year: 5 (2018) 6 , p. 359-367
resume: The purpose of this study was to assess trends in alcohol-related disparities between heterosexual and sexual minority adolescents in the United States from 2007 to 2015. Methods: Data were pooled from the 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (N = 207,367) to estimate trends, disparities, and changes in disparities of four alcohol-related behaviors (i.e., lifetime alcohol use, early onset use (<13 years of age), past 30-day use, and past 30-day heavy episodic drinking [HED]) among heterosexual youth and three subgroups of sexual minority youth (SMY) (i.e., gay/lesbian, bisexual, and unsure). Models were sex stratified and adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, and state of data collection. Results: The prevalence of all alcohol-related behaviors declined from 2007 to 2015 for heterosexual youth, but not as consistently for SMY. Disparities in alcohol-related behaviors between heterosexual youth and SMY largely remained stable or widened from 2007 to 2015. Disparities in lifetime alcohol use and past 30-day use were larger between heterosexual boys and gay boys in 2015 relative to 2007. Disparities in early onset use and past 30-day HED were also larger between heterosexual girls and lesbian girls in 2015 relative to 2007. The disparity in past 30-day use between heterosexual girls and bisexual girls was smaller in 2015 compared with 2007. Conclusions: Despite overall declines in adolescent alcohol use, alcohol-related disparities between heterosexual youth and SMY persist and, for some SMY, they have widened.

signature: dgb artikelen (fish/baa)

Trends in Alcohol-Related Disparities Between Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Youth from 2007 to 2015 : Findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey
dgb artikelen (fish/baa)
Jessica N. Fish, Laura Baams.
LGBT Health

Characteristics of schools with and without Gay-Straight Alliances  / Laura Baams ... [et al.].

Applied Developmental Science (2018) (sep), p. 1-7
source: Applied Developmental Science (2018)(sep), p. 1-7
resume: Research shows that Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) are associated with school climate and student well-being, but it is unclear what school characteristics may account for some of these findings. The current study describes characteristics of schools with and without GSAs. Using a population-based sample of 1,360 California public high schools, inferential statistics show that schools with larger enrollment, more experienced teachers, and lower pupil/teacher ratios were more likely to have GSAs. In addition, among schools with GSAs, larger enrollment, more experienced teachers, fewer socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and higher academic achievement are among the factors related to a longer presence of GSAs. Implications for GSA and policy implementation, as well as the importance of accounting for school characteristics in research on GSAs are discussed.

signature: dgb artikelen (chara/sch)

Characteristics of schools with and without Gay-Straight Alliances
dgb artikelen (chara/sch)
Laura Baams ... [et al.].
Applied Developmental Science


( AU:baams )

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