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Aantal resultaten: 5( AU:kai AND Jonas )


Male Role Endorsement Explains Negative Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Among Students in Mexico More Than in Germany  / Melanie C. Steffens, Kai J. Jonas and Lisa Denger

Journal of Sex Research, 52 (2015) 8, p. 898-911
bron: Journal of Sex Research jaargang: 52 (2015) 8 , p. 898-911
samenvatting: Anti-gay attitudes vary across cultures because the larger social context plays a role in attitude formation. Psychological correlates of these attitudes have been investigated in the United States and Europe. Endorsement of traditional gender roles has emerged from that research as a central correlate, next to religiosity and personal contact with lesbians-gay men. In a cross-sectional study, we tested whether these correlates are relevant in Mexico, characterized as an androcentric culture in which both gender-role traditionalism and religiosity are high, using a college-age student sample (N¼63). Because we relied on self-reports, the motivation to appear nonprejudiced was also assessed. We found typical gender differences in attitudes toward gay men. In bivariate tests, anti-gay attitudes were related to male role endorsement, contact with lesbians/gay men, and religiosity. In a multivariate analysis, variance in attitudes was explained by male role endorsement; personal contact or religiosity did not explain additional variance. In a German comparison sample (N¼112), male role endorsement played a smaller role. Variance in anti-gay attitudes in the German sample was also related to personal contact, religiosity, and the motivation to appear nonprejudiced. We discuss the centrality of (male) gender-role endorsement in cultures with high gender-role traditionalism.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (steffe/jon)

Male Role Endorsement Explains Negative Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Among Students in Mexico More Than in Germany
dgb artikelen (steffe/jon)
Melanie C. Steffens, Kai J. Jonas and Lisa Denger
Journal of Sex Research

Religious Affiliation and Attitudes Towards Gay Men : On the Mediating Role of Masculinity Threat  / Gerhard Reese, Melanie C. Steffens and Kai J. Jonas.

Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24 (2014) 4 (jul-aug), p. 340-355
bron: Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology jaargang: 24 (2014) 4 (jul-aug), p. 340-355
samenvatting: Previous research suggests that people from some religious backgrounds hold more negative attitudes towards gay men than others do. The current research focuses on psychological variables as an alternative explanation to religious affiliation, testing whether masculinity beliefs regarding gay men and their perceived threat to one's masculinity can explain such between-group differences in negative attitudes. With a sample of 155 male heterosexual university students (Muslims and Christians in Germany), we found that Muslims held more negative attitudes towards gay men than Christians did. Yet, this relation was partially mediated by beliefs about the masculinity of gay men and the experience of masculinity threat imposed by gay men, substantially reducing the effect of religious affiliation on antigay attitudes. In sum, similar psychological processes explained antigay attitudes of both Muslims and Christians.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (reese/ste)

Religious Affiliation and Attitudes Towards Gay Men : On the Mediating Role of Masculinity Threat
dgb artikelen (reese/ste)
Gerhard Reese, Melanie C. Steffens and Kai J. Jonas.
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

LGBT Hate Crime, Psychological Well-Being, and Reporting Behaviour : LGBT Community and Police Perspectives  / Allard R. Feddes and Kai J. Jonas.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 - 115 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 - 115 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Hate crime can come in many forms including being bullied, being excluded, name calling in the street, being spit upon. It does not always take the shape of incidents with many casualties, in fact, often hate crime occurs in situations where people are by themselves or are walking hand in hand in the street. How often does hate crime occur? A large survey study (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, FRA, 2012; N = 93,079) including 28 EU countries showed that in the past 12 months before the survey took place, on average 47% LGBT had experienced discrimination and 59% indicated having experienced LGBT violence. Investigating antecedents and consequences of reporting hate crime is important as most of what the police know about the nature and extent of crime comes from the reports made by victims and witnesses of crime . Or, as Hindelang and Gottfredson put it (1976): "Victims are the gate keepers of the criminal justice system". In addition, reporting hate crime may have positive effects on the victims' psychological well-being. However, surprisingly little research has focused on the question to what reporting hate crime may result in positive well-being on the short and long term. The present study focuses on three questions that relate to antecedents and consequences of hate crime: 1) How do experiences of hate crime and reporting hate crime to the police relate to the well-being of hate crime victims? 2) What possible incentives and obstacles can be identified that encourage or prevent LGBT from reporting hate crime to the police? 3) To what extend is there an overlap in police and LGBT perspectives on hate crime and hate crime reporting?

signatuur: cat. (fedde/jon)

dgb grijs

LGBT Hate Crime, Psychological Well-Being, and Reporting Behaviour : LGBT Community and Police Perspectives
cat. (fedde/jon)dgb grijs

LGBT gerelateerde hatecrime en aangiftebeleid  / Allard R. Feddes en Kai Jonas.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 - 2 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 - 2 p.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. lhbt
samenvatting: Samenvatting van de bevindingen van het onderzoek 'LGBT Hate Crime, Psychological Well-Being, and Reporting Behaviour : LGBT Community and Police Perspectives'.

signatuur: cat. (fedde/jon/lgbt)

dgb grijs

LGBT gerelateerde hatecrime en aangiftebeleid
cat. (fedde/jon/lgbt)dgb grijs

The likelihood of severe COVID-19 outcomes among PLHIV with various comorbidities: a comparative frequentist and Bayesian meta-analysis approach  / Haoyi Wang and Kai J. Jonas.

Journal of the International AIDS Society, 21 (2021) e25841, p. 1-29
bron: Journal of the International AIDS Society jaargang: 21 (2021)e25841, p. 1-29
samenvatting: The SARS-CoV-2 virus can currently pose a serious health threat and can lead to severe COVID-19 outcomes, especially for populations suffering from comorbidities. Currently, the data available on the risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes due to an HIV infection with or without comorbidities paint a heterogenous picture. In this meta-analysis, we summarized the likelihood for severe COVID-19 outcomes among people living with HIV (PLHIV) with or without comorbidities. Following PRISMA guidelines, we utilized PubMed, Web of Science and medRxiv to search for studies describing COVID-19 outcomes in PLHIV with or without comorbidities up to 25 June 2021. Consequently, we conducted two metaanalyses, based on a classic frequentist and Bayesian perspective of higher quality studies. We identified 2580 studies (search period: January 2020-25 June 2021, data extraction period: 1 January 2021-25 June 2021) and included nine in the meta-analysis. Based on the frequentist meta-analytical model, PLHIV with diabetes had a seven times higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes (odd ratio, OR = 6.69, 95% CI: 3.03?19.30), PLHIV with hypertension a four times higher risk (OR = 4.14, 95% CI: 2.12?8.17), PLHIV with cardiovascular disease an odds ratio of 4.75 (95% CI: 1.89-11.94), PLHIV with respiratory disease an odds ratio of 3.67 (95% CI: 1.79-7.54) and PLHIV with chronic kidney disease an OR of 9.02 (95% CI: 2.53-32.14) compared to PLHIV without comorbidities. Both meta-analytic models converged, thereby providing robust summative evidence. The Bayesian meta-analysis produced similar effects overall, with the exclusion of PLHIV with respiratory diseases who showed a non-significant higher risk to develop severe COVID-19 outcomes compared to PLHIV without comorbidities. Conclusions: Our meta-analyses show that people with HIV, PLHIV with coexisting diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and chronic kidney disease are at a higher likelihood of developing severe COVID-19 outcomes. Bayesian analysis helped to estimate small sample biases and provided predictive likelihoods. Clinical practice should take these risks due to comorbidities into account and not only focus on the HIV status alone, vaccination priorities should be adjusted accordingly.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (wang/jon)

The likelihood of severe COVID-19 outcomes among PLHIV with various comorbidities: a comparative frequentist and Bayesian meta-analysis approach
dgb artikelen (wang/jon)
Haoyi Wang and Kai J. Jonas.
Journal of the International AIDS Society


( AU:kai AND Jonas )

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