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Unpacking the Sin of Gender  / Sarah Bracke and David Paternotte

Religion & Gender, 6 (2016) 2, p. 143-154
source: Religion & Gender year: 6 (2016) 2 , p. 143-154
resume: Introduction into many different aspects of ?gender ideology? discussed in the four articles gathered in this special issue. Most come from the Habemus Gender! conference, organized at the Université libre de Bruxelles in May 2014.6 Mary Anne Case and Eric Fassin delivered keynote speeches at this event, and Sara Garbagnoli presented in one of the panels. The fourth article, by Mario Pecheny, Daniel Jones, and Lucía Ariza, was solicited for this volume, in order to include an analysis from the national and political context that has shaped the first Pope from the Global South. The first article, by Mary Anne Case, offers a genealogy of the theological origins of ?gender ideology?, starting with Pius XII. The second article, by Eric Fassin, offers a reading of recent gender debates in France in the light of the controversy between ?essentialists? and ?constructionists? in gay and lesbian studies, which itself relies on an older controversy between realists and nominalists. In her contribution, Sara Garbagnoli compares the French and Italian debates on ?gender ideology?. Finally, Mario Pecheny, Daniel Jones, and Lucía Ariza discuss how religion and sexual politics intersect in the Argentinian political landscape. These four articles are followed by an interview with Mgr Krzysztof Olaf Charamsa, a former member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who reflects on how questions of gender and sexuality are approached within the Vatican. Last but not least, we have asked a range of scholars within the fields of gender studies and religious studies, and their intersections, to write brief commentaries on the various insights into the rise of ?gender ideology? that emerge from this volume. - Gender and Meaning in a Postmodern World: An Elusive Quest for Truth / Tina Beattie. - p. 247-250. - Moral Panic and Gender Ideology in Latin America / Gloria Careaga-Pérez. - p. 251-255. - ?Theologies? and Contexts in a Latin American perspective / Sonia Corrêa. - p. 256-263. - Unreal: Catholic Ideology as Epistemological War / Elsa Dorlin. -p. 264-267. - ?Gender Ideology?: Weak Concepts, Powerful Politics / Agnieszka Graff. - p. 268-272. - Catholic Gender Denial / Mary Hunt. - p. 273-275. - Vetera novis augere: Notes on the Rhetoric of Response / Mark Jordan. - p. 276-281. - The Vatican Anti-Gender Theory and Sexual Politics: An African Response / Kapya Kaoma. - p. 282-292. - The Vatican and the Birth of Anti-Gender Studies / Elzbieta Korolczuk. - p. 293-296. - How are Anti-Gender Movements Changing Gender Studies as a Profession? Andrea Peto. - p. 297-299. - Gender and the Vatican / Joan W. Scott. - p. 300-301. - Francis and ?Gender Ideology?: Heritage, Displacement and Continuities / Juan Marco Vaggione. - p. 302-307. (Full text at )

signature: dgb artikelen (brack/pat)

Unpacking the Sin of Gender
dgb artikelen (brack/pat)
Sarah Bracke and David Paternotte
Religion & Gender

The Sin of Turning Away from Reality : An Interview with Father Krzysztof Charamsa  / David Paternotte, Mary Anne Case and Sarah Bracke.

Religion & Gender, 6 (2016) 2, p. 226-246
source: Religion & Gender year: 6 (2016) 2 , p. 226-246
resume: The Polish ecclesiastic Krzysztof Olaf Charamsa is a former member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the former second secretary of the International Theological Commission. Until 2015, he was a professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and Pontifical Gregorian University. He has published widely on theological issues, including in-depth discussions of the work of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Pope Benedict XVI. In 2015, Mgr Charamsa made global headlines after he came out, together with his partner Eduard Planas, on the eve of the second Synod on the Family. He lost his job and was almost immediately suspended from priesthood. Since then, he has been an outspoken critic of Catholic conservatism on issues related to women?s and LGBTIQ rights, and has advocated for the need of the Church to amend its teachings. He recently published his recollections of his life at the Vatican (La Prima Pietra. Milan: Rizzoli, 2016) and keeps a website (www. to share his activities. This interview was prepared by all authors and carried out by Mary Anne Case and David Paternotte in February 2016 in Barcelona. A much longer transcript of the actual conversation was subsequently edited by the authors and the interviewee. The interview includes an appendix with references to the main documents and institutional bodies mentioned in the text.

signature: dgb artikelen (pater/sin)

The Sin of Turning Away from Reality : An Interview with Father Krzysztof Charamsa
dgb artikelen (pater/sin)
David Paternotte, Mary Anne Case and Sarah Bracke.
Religion & Gender

Queer/Religion  / Guest edited by Elizabeth A. Castelli.

Scholar & Feminist Online (S&F Online), 14 (2017) 2
source: Scholar & Feminist Online (S&F Online) year: 14 (2017) 2
resume: Contents: - Introduction: At the Intersection of Queer Studies and Religion / by Elizabeth A. Castelli. - Religion's Queer Comeback?: Some Preliminary Questions / by Laurel C. Schneider. - Queer Concerns: Toward a More Un-Disciplined Study of Religion / by Claudia Schippert. - Queerthinking Religion: Queering Religious Paradigms / by Bee Scherer. - Womanist Etho-Poetics / by Emilie M. Townes. - Why 'Queer' Islamic Studies? by Amanullah De Sondy. - Representation, Visibility, Legibility: The 'Queer' Subject in Contemporary India / by Jennifer Ung Loh. - Queer Studies and Religion in Contemporary Africa: Decolonizing, Post-secular Moves / by Adriaan van Klinken. - Methodological Promiscuity and Undisciplined Intellectual Orgies / by Melissa M. Wilcox. - Keeping up Appearances: The Impossibility of Samson's Heterosexual Performance / by Marco Derks. - Excitations, Exploitations, and Exclusions / by Sarra Lev. - 'You and I have bodies that make people pray': Queer Bodies and Religion / by Max Strassfeld. - Changing Sex or Changing Gender in Pali Buddhist Literature / by Carol S. Anderson. - Apophatic Politics / by Kent L. Brintnall. - Christian Domestic Discipline and Queer Religious Studies / by Elizabeth Dolfi. - Becoming Visible, Becoming Political: Faith and Queer Activism in South Korea / by Ju Hui Judy Han. - Protestant Closets and Queer Histories: Notes from an Archive-in-Process / by Heather White. - Strange Questions, Queerish Souls? Resisting the Woman Question in a Contemporary Catholic Movement (Comunione e Liberazione) / by Sarah Bracke. - Gays, Feminism and Headscarves: The Shaping of Controversies in Public Debates in Flanders / by Nella van den Brandt. - Queer Studies, Queer Faith, and the Construction of Religion in the Public Sphere in the Netherlands / by Mariecke van den Berg.

signature: dgb artikelen, map S&F Online

dgb artikelen, map S&F Online
Guest edited by Elizabeth A. Castelli.
Scholar & Feminist Online (S&F Online)

Sarah Bracke: "Voor de afbrokkeling van vrouwen- en LGBTQ+-rechten hoeven we niet enkel naar extreemrechts te kijken"  / Helenka Spanjer. 2022 15 december
source: 202215 december
resume: Reeds verworven vrouwen- en LGBTQ+-rechten brokkelen langzaam af. Mede door de opmars van extreemrechts, maar we moeten niet enkel naar hen kijken, want veel van hun gedachtegoed is al mainstream geworden. We spraken met Sarah Bracke, hoogleraar in Sociology of Gender and Sexuality aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, over hoe het zover heeft kunnen komen en de rol van de feministische beweging om deze ontwikkeling tegen te houden.

signature: dgb artikelen (spanj/sar)

Sarah Bracke: "Voor de afbrokkeling van vrouwen- en LGBTQ+-rechten hoeven we niet enkel naar extreemrechts te kijken"
dgb artikelen (spanj/sar)
Helenka Spanjer.
15 december

Caleidoscopische visies : De zwarte, migranten- en vluchtelingen vrouwenbeweging in Nederland  / 

[Redacteurs] Nancy Jouwe, Maayke Botman, Gloria Wekker. [voorwoord] Sarah Bracke.Zutphen: Mazirel Pers, 2024 - 360 p.
edition: Zutphen: Mazirel Pers, 2024 - 360 p.
annotation: Oorspr. uitg.: Amsterdm : KIT Publishers, 2001.
resume: Caleidoscopische visies, voor het eerst gepubliceerd in maart 2001, was het eerste en enige boek in zijn soort in Nederland. Het stelde de prominente en initiërende rol centraal die zwarte, migranten- en vluchtelingenvrouwen (ZMV-vrouwen) hebben gespeeld in het nieuwe denken over gender en etniciteit in de late twintigste eeuw. De auteurs belichtten de met elkaar verweven uitsluitingspraktijken die ZMV-vrouwen tegenkwamen op meerdere plaatsen in de maatschappij op basis van gender, etniciteit, 'ras' of seksualiteit, en toonden daarmee de noodzaak aan voor intersectioneel denken en doen. Deze hernieuwde uitgave maakt de klassieker die de kijk op het feminisme en de vrouwenbeweging in Nederland heeft veranderd op veler verzoek weer beschikbaar. Ze bevat een geactualiseerde reflectie op de relevantie van intersectionaliteit in het licht van recente maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen, waarmee de activiteiten en het gedachtegoed van ZMV-vrouwen in Nederland nog prominenter op de kaart worden gezet.

signature: cat. (jouwe/cal) b

Caleidoscopische visies : De zwarte, migranten- en vluchtelingen vrouwenbeweging in Nederland
cat. (jouwe/cal) b
[Redacteurs] Nancy Jouwe, Maayke Botman, Gloria Wekker. [voorwoord] Sarah Bracke.


( text:sarah bracke )

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