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Number of results: 13( ilan meyer )


Minority stress and mental health in gay men  / Ilan H. Meyer.

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 36 (1995) 1 (mar), p. 38-56
source: Journal of Health and Social Behavior year: 36 (1995) 1 (mar), p. 38-56
resume: Verslag van een onderzoek naar de effecten van geïnternaliseerde homofobie, stigmatisering, en ervaringen met discriminatie en antihomoseksueel geweld op de geestelijke gezondheid van homoseksuele mannen.

signature: dgb artikelen (meyer-i/min)

Minority stress and mental health in gay men
dgb artikelen (meyer-i/min)
Ilan H. Meyer.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior

Patterns of sexual behavior and risk taking among young New York City gay men  / Ilan H. Meyer and Laura Dean.

Aids Education and Prevention, 7 (1995) (Suppl.), p. 13-23
source: Aids Education and Prevention year: 7 (1995)(Suppl.), p. 13-23
resume: Verslag van een onderzoek naar predictoren van seksueel risicogedrag, d.w.z. (onbeschermd) anaal receptief contact, voor HIV onder een groep van 147 jonge homomannen in New York City.

signature: cat. art. (impac/aid) b

Patterns of sexual behavior and risk taking among young New York City gay men
cat. art. (impac/aid) b
Ilan H. Meyer and Laura Dean.
Aids Education and Prevention

Hope and resilience in suicide ideation and behavior of gay and bisexual men following notification of HIV infection  / Karolynn Siegel, Ilan H. Meyer.

Aids Education and Prevention, 11 (1999) 1 (Feb), p. 53-64
source: Aids Education and Prevention year: 11 (1999) 1 (Feb), p. 53-64
resume: Uit de verhalen van een 150 Amerikaanse seropositieve homo- en biseksuele mannen blijkt, dat suïcidale neigingen en pogingen niet louter een negatieve functie in de psychische ontwikkeling na de diagnose vervullen.

signature: ts.

Hope and resilience in suicide ideation and behavior of gay and bisexual men following notification of HIV infection
Karolynn Siegel, Ilan H. Meyer.
Aids Education and Prevention

Sampling gay men: random digit dialing versus sources in the gay community  / Ilan H. Meyer, Mary Ellen Colten.

Journal of Homosexuality, 37 (1999) 4, p. 99-110
source: Journal of Homosexuality year: 37 (1999) 4 , p. 99-110
resume: Evaluatie van Random Digit Sampling als onderzoeksmethode voor het verzamelen van gegevens in een steekproef die representatief is voor de populatie homo/biseksuele mannen.

signature: ts.

Sampling gay men: random digit dialing versus sources in the gay community
Ilan H. Meyer, Mary Ellen Colten.
Journal of Homosexuality

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health  / [guest ed.: Ilan H. Meyer].

American Journal of Public Health, 91 (2001) 6 (Jun), p. 841-1004
source: American Journal of Public Health year: 91 (2001) 6 (Jun), p. 841-1004
resume: Table of Contents: - Why lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender public health? - Uneasy promises: sexuality, health, and human rights - Ethics that exclude: the role of ethics committees in lesbian and gay health research in South Africa - Enhancing transgender health care - Undercounts and overstatements: will the IOM report on lesbian health improve research? - Sexual orientation data collection and progress toward Healthy People 2010 - Are we headed for a resurgence of the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men? - Addressing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues from the inside: one federal agency's approach - The evolution of the Fenway Community Health model - The GLBT Health Access Project: a state-funded effort to improve access to care - Same-sex romantic attraction and experiences of violence in adolescence - The continuing HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men American Journal of Public Health: June 2001, Vol. 91, No. 6: 907?914. - HIV prevalence, risk behaviors, health care use, and mental health status of transgender persons: implications for public health intervention - Time-space sampling in minority communities: results with young Latino men who have sex with men - The impact of homophobia, poverty, and racism on the mental health of gay and bisexual Latino men: findings from 3 US cities - Risk of psychiatric disorders among individuals reporting same-sex sexual partners in the National Comorbidity Survey - Preventing sexual risk behaviors among gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents: the benefits of gay-sensitive HIV instruction in schools - Papanicolaou test screening and prevalence of genital human papillomavirus among women who have sex with women - The Circuit Party Men's Health Survey: findings and implications for gay and bisexual men - Gonorrhea in the HIV era: a reversal in trends among men who have sex with men - Two decades after vaccine license: hepatitis B immunization and infection among young men who have sex with men - Behavioral risk factors for disease and preventive health practices among lesbians - Patterns of cigarette smoking and alcohol use among lesbians and bisexual women enrolled in a large health maintenance organization - Health-related characteristics of men who have sex with men: a comparison of those living in "gay ghettos" with those living elsewhere - Predictors of accidental fatal drug overdose among a cohort of injection drug users - HIV and sexually transmitted infection risk behaviors among men seeking sex with men on-line - Removing the barriers: improving practitioners' skills in providing health care to lesbians and women who partner with women - Satisfaction with mental health services among sexual minorities with major mental illness

signature: dgb artikelen, map lgbt/hea/ajph

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health
dgb artikelen, map lgbt/hea/ajph
[guest ed.: Ilan H. Meyer].
American Journal of Public Health

Torture, ill-treatment, and sexual identity  / Simon Lewin, Ilan H. Meyer.

Lancet, 358 (2001) (dec 1), p. 1899-1900
source: Lancet year: 358 (2001)(dec 1), p. 1899-1900
resume: Efforts by human-rights organisations and LGBT people worldwide are leading to more powerful demands for access to rights within health care.

signature: dgb artikelen (lewin/tor)

Torture, ill-treatment, and sexual identity
dgb artikelen (lewin/tor)
Simon Lewin, Ilan H. Meyer.
(dec 1)

A brief telephone interview to identify lesbian and bisexual women in random digit dialing sampling  / Ilan H. Meyer, Lindsay Rossano, James M. Ellis, Judith Bradford.

Journal of Sex Research, 39 (2002) 2, p. 139-144
source: Journal of Sex Research year: 39 (2002) 2 , p. 139-144

signature: ts.

A brief telephone interview to identify lesbian and bisexual women in random digit dialing sampling
Ilan H. Meyer, Lindsay Rossano, James M. Ellis, Judith Bradford.
Journal of Sex Research

"Mich berührt nüscht mehr" : Zur Intersektionalität von Stigmaerfahrungen bei HIV-positiven schwulen Männern im Alter  / Phil C. Langer.

resume: Anhand einen sozialpsychologischer Fallvignette versucht der Schrifsteller Ihnen eienen der wesentliche Befunde der Studie "Positives Begehre", in der 58 schwule und bisexuelle Männer mittels Tiefeninterviews nach den psychozialen Huntergrunden ihrere HIV-Infektion befragt wurden, zu verdeutlichen: die Tief greifende und folgenreiche Einschreibung von Stigmatisierungserfahrungen in die Identitätsbildung schwuler Männer, die Genese ener "beschädigten schwulen Identität" unter heteronormatieven Sozialisations- und gesellschaftlichen Lebensbedingungen. Bedeutsam dabei ist, dass das Erleben von heteronormativer Stigmatisierung, Diskriminierung und psychischer Gewalt nicht nur mit den hohen Prävalenzen psychischer Probleme in Zusammenhang steht und sich etwa unten Bezug auf dass von Ilan Meyer vorgeschalgene Minority Stress Model plausibiliseren lässt, sondern konkrete physische Beschädigigungen zeigt.

signature: dgb artikelen (lange/mic)

"Mich berührt nüscht mehr" : Zur Intersektionalität von Stigmaerfahrungen bei HIV-positiven schwulen Männern im Alter
dgb artikelen (lange/mic)
Phil C. Langer.
In: Gleich-Geschlechtliche Erfahurungswelten: 1. LSBTI*-Wissenschaftskongress. - Berlin: Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld, 2013. - 8 p.

The Health of Sexual Minorities: Public Health Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Populations  / 

ed. by Ilan H. Meyer, Mary E. Northridge.New York, NY [etc.]: Springer, 2006 - xix, 731 p.
edition: New York, NY [etc.]: Springer, 2006 - xix, 731 p.
resume: Handbook on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) health. It breaks the myths, breaks the silence, and breaks new ground on this subject. This resource offers a multidimensional picture of LGBT health across clinical and social disciplines to give readers a full and nuanced understanding of these diverse populations. It contains real-world matters of definition and self-definition, meticulous analyses of stressor and health outcomes, a extensive coverage of research methodology concerns, and critical insights into the sociopolitical context of LGBT individuals' health and lives.

signature: cat. (health/sex) b

The Health of Sexual Minorities: Public Health Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Populations
cat. (health/sex) b
ed. by Ilan H. Meyer, Mary E. Northridge.

Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations : Conceptual issues and research evidence  / Ilan H. Meyer.

Psychological Bulletin, 125 (2003) 5, p. 674-697
source: Psychological Bulletin year: 125 (2003) 5 , p. 674-697
resume: Abstract: In this article the author reviews research evidence on the prevalence of mental disorders in lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs) and shows, using meta-analyses, that LGBs have a higher prevalence of mental disorders than heterosexuals. The author offers a conceptual framework for understanding this excess in prevalence of disorder in terms of minority stress - explaining that stigma, prejudice, and discrimination create a hostile and stressful social environment that causes mental health problems. The model describes stress processes, including the experience of prejudice events, expectations of rejection, hiding and concealing, internalized homophobia, and ameliorative coping processes. This conceptual framework is the basis for the review of research evidence, suggestions for future research directions, and exploration of public policy implications.

signature: dgb artikelen (meyer-i#pre)

Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations : Conceptual issues and research evidence
dgb artikelen (meyer-i#pre)
Ilan H. Meyer.
Psychological Bulletin


( ilan meyer )

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